Sunday, November 28, 2021

Another Reason Not to Vote Republican: Rittenhouse Mania

Cartoon from Steve Benson, Arizona Mirror

Republicans have provided yet another reason not to vote for them for the foreseeable future.

Rittenhouse Mania!

The lunatic, ultra-right members of the former party of Lincoln are falling over themselves to glorify the now 18-year-old whose only claim to infamy is killing two innocent people, injuring another one, carrying a weapon while underage, and getting away with it when he was inexplicably acquitted on all charges two weeks ago after being tried for his crimes in Wisconsin.

You have Arizona Legislative District Six State Senator (and rabid Trumpist) Wendy Rogers who in a series of below tweets, even after the 18-year-old criticized his first set of Trumpists attorneys, praised Rittenhouse, just short of nominating him for Godhood.

You have Trump Blackshirt Matt under investigation Gaetz who thinks Rittenhouse deserves a House internship. He said, “You know what, Kyle Rittenhouse would probably make a pretty good Congressional intern." He later tweeted, he would be "a great one."

Then you have Marjorie Jewish Space Lasers cause wildfires Greene. She has nominated Mr. Rittenhouse to receive the Congressional Gold Medal.

So, in Greene's warped sense of reality and history, this teenage murderer of two is worthy of this citation in the same way as previous recipients like George Washington, Ulysses S. Grant, the Wright Brothers, Howard Hughes, Robert Goddard, Walt Disney, Roberto Clemente, Hubert Humphrey, Simon Wiesenthal, Elie Wiesel, Joe Louis, Jesse Owens, Mother Teresa, Nelson Mandela, Rosa Parks, Pope John Paul II, Jackie Robinson, The Tuskegee Airmen, the Native American Code Talkers, Neil Armstrong, Rauol Wallenberg, Shimon Peres, Larry Doby, and the United States Capitol Police who defended the Nation's Capitol on January 6, 2021.

Do not make me throw up.

Kyle Rittenhouse does not deserve praise, a House internship, or a Congressional Medal.

He, despite his acquittal, deserves a jail cell and a civil suit.

And those who are falling over themselves to demonstrate they are on this teenager's side (remember he killed two innocent people) do not deserve the support of local constituents and voters.

These "public servants" have only proven again they can not be entrusted with positions of power to steer the direction of the country or their state.

When going to the polls in 2022, 2024, and beyond, do not support the candidate that:

  • Supported Kyle Rittenhouse.
  • Put personal freedom over public safety during the COVID 19 crisis.
  • Did not support rebuilding America's Infrastructure.
  • Supported fully taking away a woman's right to choose.
  • Favors suppressing the right to vote and civil liberties for minority groups including members of the LGBTQ community.
  • Thinks children should not be taught all of United States History.
  • Thinks climate change is a hoax.
  • Thinks Donald Trump won the 2020 election.

Any one of these positions should cause voters to question the suitability of any candidate running for office and deny them their votes.

Being a member of Rittenhouse Mania is just another reason not to vote for them.




Editorial Cartoons for the Week


Wednesday, November 24, 2021

I forgot to post this from SNL a couple of weeks ago.


In its Latest Ads, The Lincoln Project Shows Us What We Should and Should Not Be Thankful for this Thanksgiving

During this Thanksgiving, the producers at the Lincoln Project do not disappoint.

In two ads, they perfectly frame what the American People should be thankful for and what they should scorn this holiday season and beyond.

The first ad titled "Biden Delivers" shows portions of President Biden's optimistic and forward-looking speech to the American People during the signing of the Bipartisan Infrastructure with scenes of American Infrastructure and life as a backdrop.

Mr. Biden states:

"My message to the American People is this: America is moving again and your life is going to change for the better. So with confidence, optimism, with vision, and faith in each other, let's believe in possibilities. Let's believe in one another and let's believe in America."

The ad ends with the caption: Trump Promised  Biden Delivered.

Meanwhile, in the latest episode of "Last Week in the Republican Party:"

There is Minority "Leader" Kevin McCarthy giving an eight-hour speech on the bipartisan infrastructure bill on almost any topic other than the bipartisan infrastructure bill.

There is Matt under investigation Gaetz saying killer Kyle Rittenhouse should be a House intern.

There is Mike Pillow Guy Lindell calling for a new election without voting machines.

There is Representative Dan Crenshaw who thinks the withdrawal from Afghanistan was not a good thing (to be fair, time will tell.)

There is Louisana Senator John Kennedy behaving like Joseph McCarthy in going after Biden Comptroller of the Currency Nominee Saule Omarova, a former Soviet Union resident who fled to live the American Dream, by stating "I don't know whether to call you professor or comrade."

There is Michael Flynn calling Nancy Pelosi "Pontious Pilate."

There is the reminder that Arizona's Paul Gosar was censured for posting a video killing Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and threatening President Biden.

The two Lincoln Project Ads clearly illustrate what the American People should celebrate this Thanksgiving and what they should discard.

Arizona Democratic Party issues a statement with a similar theme to the Lincoln Project Ads.

In a pre-Thanksgiving press release, the Arizona Democratic Party issued a statement reminding Grand Canyon State residents that it was the Biden/Harris Administration and their representatives in Congress (Kyrsten Sinema, Anne Kirkpatrick, Mark Kelly, Raul Grijalva, Ruben Gallego, Thomas O'Halleran, and Greg Stanton) who supported and enacted both the American Rescue Plan and the Infrastructure bill while Arizona's Republican Congressional Delegation spit on it.

Remember this is the legislation, according to the Democratic Party statement that:

  • "Got shots in arms: Nearly 200 million Americans — including almost 4 million Arizonans — have been fully vaccinated.
  • Put checks in pockets: Economic impact payments helped 4.4 million Arizonans — 87% of all adults — make ends meet.
  • Cut taxes: Each month, the families of 1.4 million Arizona children receive $353 million in middle-class tax cuts to help cover the cost of raising kids.
  • Safely reopened schools: Arizona schools received over $2.5 billion to provide the resources they needed to return to in-person learning while protecting the health and safety of students and educators.
  • Supported small businesses: Arizona small businesses received over $200 million in loans to ensure that they could keep their doors open and their staff on payroll.
  • Led us to an unprecedented economic recovery: Since President Biden took office, the Arizona unemployment rate has fallen from 6.7% to 5.2%.
  • Transform our state: The legislation will invest over $7 billion for roads, bridges, water systems, high-speed internet connectivity, public transportation, airports, ports, climate resiliency, and more.
  • Create a generation of jobs: The historic package will create jobs for the tradesmen, construction workers, manufacturers, transportation workers, city planners, and engineers who plan, build, and execute the infrastructure projects.
  • Build Back Arizona: Upgraded roads, modernized airports, and enhanced internet connectivity will build an Arizona for the future and ensure that our state is an attractive destination for families and businesses."

The legislation also reduced food insecurity, expanded and extended the Earned Income and Child Tax Credit, made health care more affordable, provided aid to local governments, and invested in schools.

Have a safe and great Thanksgiving week everyone.

Photo from the Assistant Manager.[/caption]

Please remember which political party is working to ensure you have many more. 

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