Monday, December 14, 2020

After the Official Electoral College Vote, President-Elect Joe Biden Reaffirms he will be a Leader for All Americans

President-Elect Joe Biden gave his second victory speech in a little more than 30 days following the official Electoral College vote which formalized the former Vice President's 306 to 232 November 3, 2020 victory.

Please click below to watch the address.

In the primetime address, the President-Elect celebrated the strength of the American voters and the United States political system, chastized Donald Trump and his enablers for trying to tear that system down, and called for uniting and moving forward to solve the nation's pressing problems.

President-Elect Biden Celebrates the Strength of the American Political System

At the beginning of the address, President-Elect Biden celebrated the record 155 million voters that turned out and voted in this election despite the surge in the COVID 19 Pandemic.

He praised the voters who braved turning out and the election day workers who withstood the pandemic as well as the bullying and intimidating tactics by the Trumpists, saying:

"American Democracy works because Americans make it work at a local level."

On the strength of the American Political System, President-Elect Biden said:

"What beats in the hearts of the American People is this: Democracy! The right to be heard. To have your vote counted. To choose leaders of this nation. To govern ourselves. In America, politicians don’t take power. People grant power to them…We now know that nothing, not even a pandemic or an abuse of power can extinguish that flame."

The soon to be 46th President condemned the antics of the 45th one and His Enablers.

A significant portion of the middle of Mr. Biden's address was a direct attack on the UnAmerican electoral theft intentions of Mr. Trump and his sycophantic enablers.

The President-Elect started by hoping election day workers and government officials never have to be subjected to the bullying and belligerent tactics exhibited by Mr. Trump, stating:

"While we all wish that our fellow Americans in these positions would always show such courage and commitment to free and fair elections, It is my sincere hope that we never again see people subjected to the threats and abuse that we saw in this election. It is simply unconscionable. We owe these public servants a debt of gratitude Our Democracy survived because of them."

He condemned the 17 Republican Attorney Generals and 126 House Republicans that signed on to the outlandish and UnDemocratic Texas suit to the United States Supreme Court that sought to disenfranchise 20 million voters in four states (Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin) that he, Mr. Biden, won, stating their:

"Position so extreme that we've never seen it before. A position that refused to respect the will of the people, refused to respect the rule of law, and refused to honor our Constitution Thankfully a unanimous Supreme Court immediately and completely rejected this effort. The court sent a clear signal to President Trump that there would be no part in an unprecedented assault on our Democracy."

Mr. Biden reminded the viewers that Mr. Trump and his team:

  • have had multiple recounts done in Georgia and the outcome remained the same.
  • had a recount conducted in Wisconsin and the Biden margin of victory grew.
  • took their baseless accusations of voter fraud to "dozens and dozens" of courtrooms, including twice to the Supreme Court and the result was the same each time. Dismissal because their contentions had "no merit."

The President-Elect also reminded the people that:

  • he and Vice President-Elect Kamala Harris won a record popular vote margin in the November 3, 2020 elections.
  • The Biden/Harris margins in Michigan and Pennsylvania were greater than the smaller Trump victories there in 2016.
  • Trump's own cybersecurity chief  (Chris Krebs) who oversaw the voting on November 3, called the election "the most secure in history."

Finally, the former Vice President relayed that when he had to preside in the Congress to announce the Electoral College victory for Donald Trump, he "did his job." Some observers may take that as a jab at Republican enablers of Mr. Trump in Congress to act like adults and fulfill their Constitutional responsibility on January 6, 2021.

Moving Forward

The President-Elect started the last portion of his speech stating:

"In this battle for the soul of America, Democracy prevailed. We the people voted. Faith in our institutions held. The integrity of our elections remains intact. And now its time to turn the page as we’ve done throughout our history: to unite, to heal, As I said in this campaign, I will be President for all Americans. I will work just as hard for those of you that didn’t vote for me as I will for those who did."

Mr. Biden called for Americans to unite and work together to:

• achieve Coronavirus Pandemic and Economic relief
• "building the economy back better."
• "give each other a chance, to lower the temperature and, most of all, we need to stand in solidarity as fellow Americans and learn to see each other, our pains, our struggles, our hopes, and our dreams...We share in common a love for this country… A belief in its limitless possibilities. The United States has always set the example for the world with a peaceful transition of power."

Mr. Biden offered sympathy toward those Americans who have lost loved ones to COVID 19 (300,000 have passed away after today) and who have suffered economically.

He closed by saying "we will get through this together," "May this moment give us the strength to rebuild this house of ours upon a rock that can not be washed away," and partially quoted St. Francis, stating:

"For where there is discord, union. Where there is doubt, faith. Where there is darkness, light."

Please click here for information on the Biden/Harris Transition Team.



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