Monday, July 19, 2021

"Where Do you Stand," the Lincoln Project Asks in its Latest Ad

 The Lincoln Project, in its customary technical brilliance, released an ad last week titled "Which Side."

In the ad, the narrator eerily demonstrated how the Al Queda terrorists who attacked the country on 9/11/01 were similar to the Domestic insurrectionists on January 6, 2021.

The similarities are:

  • "There was an attack on the American Capitol. 
  • There was an assault on the temple of Democracy. 
  • The attackers followed a sick and corrupt ideology promoted by a charismatic leader obsessed with grievances and wild conspiracies. 
  • These people were driven by fear and willing to take innocent lives for their leader."

After saluting the bravery of the passengers of Flight 93 who prevented that plane from crashing into the United States Congress, the narrator pointed out:

"There've only been two large-scale terrorist attacks planned against the U.S. Capitol. January 6 was ordered by an American President."

The narrator then closed with:

"Where do you stand? With the terrorists or America?"

With today's first felony conviction of the January 6 Insurrectionist to eight months in prison (he should have received at least the year and a half the Justice Department recommended: maybe more,) the question of "where do you stand"  in the Lincoln Project ad is on point on several issues the fringe right is tearing the country apart on.

Where do you stand? With the Domestic Insurrectionsists acting like Blackshirts/Brownshirts who tried to overturn a free and fair election or with the American ideal and Democracy?

Where do you stand? With the right-wing reactionaries who are enacting measures to suppress voter turnout because they have no message to win over the people or those that want to maintain and expand access to the ballot?

Where do you stand? With the Know-Nothing Science Denying Anti Maskers and Anti Vaxers or the voices calling for individual and public health safety?

Where do you stand? With the white nationalists that want to pretend nothing bad happened in United States History or with those that want children to learn everything about our nation's past?

Where do you stand? By not doing anything to rebuild the nation and move the country forward or be a part of ushering in a new American Century?

Fortunately, most Americans have chosen Democracy, public safety, historical knowledge, and moving the country forward.

Those who have not need to stop listening to the Know Nothing-Science Denying-Neo-Fascist false prophets of the alternative reality and deadly Trump Zone-Fox Island-Disinfowars cult and come join the rest of us before it is too late... for them.



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