Sunday, June 30, 2024

Do Not Panic Democrats

From CNN

Let us be honest. Optically, at least, President Biden had a bad performance at the first Presidential Debate of 2024.

He appeared lost and rambling, especially in the first few moments of the event. Watching him, it looked like he was suffering from a combination of being overprepared and a cold he had recently developed.

Historically, it is important to remember that incumbent Presidents like Ronald Reagan, George H.W. Bush, George W. Bush, Barack Obama, and Donald Trump all had poor first debate performances.

Remember Reagan, the second Bush, and Obama all wound up winning reelection.

President Biden improved in his presentation as the debate progressed. Most of Biden's responses to questions were on point and accurate - in contrast to Trump. His best moments were calling Trump a felon, a whiner, a sucker, a loser and a liar. Biden told Trump he "had the morals of an alley cat" and defended our country from Trump's many falsehoods.

Donald Trump, for his part, was a braying ass. He performed for his base, spewing the same lies and grotesque statements that have been discredited by fact-checkers for years.

Trump also utterly failed to answer most of the questions put to him, including childcare or fentanyl. He falsely blamed Jan. 6, 2021, on the Mayor of Washington, DC and Nancy Pelosi. Trump vomited his many lies about the economy, immigrants, law and order, America's standing in the world, late-term abortions, and the state of the country.

The moderators had to ask him three times if he would accept the election results until he finally gave a vaguely worded conditional "yes."

That the moderators, CNN's Dana Bash and Jake Tapper, did not point out Trump's constant lies was a disservice to the American People.

Post-debate analysis

Fortunately, CNN did a stellar post-debate analysis of Mr. Trump's trips into fantasyland.

Furthermore, the initial reaction of most of the individuals in focus groups on CNN and MSNBC seemed to recognize that pretty much all of what Trump said were stinking lies and total bull fecal matter. He did not appear to win many if any, new voters this evening.

That said, they also felt President Biden looked bad. However, unlike Trump, whom most of them loathed, they had sympathy for Biden and recognized him as decent and honorable.

To their credit, Vice President Kamala Harris and California Governor Gavin Newsom, both appearing on CNN and MSNBC following the debate, acknowledged the President had a bad start, but Trump's performance was repellent from beginning to end.

Vice President Harris pointed out that, unlike Trump, "President Biden has the endorsement of his Vice President."

Newsom said that it was nonsense to abandon the person "that brought you to the dance" with his substantial record of accomplishment after "one bad performance."

Newsom is right. 

You do not abandon the person that brought you to the dance after one poor performance.

I am still with Joe Biden

I am with the President who has a remarkable list of achievements, does not, unlike the other guy, have a criminal and impeachment record, speaks optimistically about the country like Humphrey and Reagan, and will fight, unlike the other guy, for the people, freedom, and Democracy.

This situation is similar in some respects to 1948 when Democrats looked for other candidates, including Dwight Eisenhower, to run against Thomas Dewey because they did not think Truman could win.

Truman got the nomination, and he won against Dewey.

While time will tell what will happen in 2024, Democrats should not panic now.

Remember the other guy has a date with a judge on July 11 and his poll numbers are slipping after his 34 convictions. 

With his great multitude of lies and outlandish statements, he also had a horrible debate performance tonight and did not appear to sway anyone to his side.

So, do not panic. There is still time to reset this. 

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