Sunday, June 23, 2024

"There's a Threat Facing Women in America:" Bipartisan Seneca Project Frames the Choice for Women in 2024 With Their First Ad "A Time for Choosing"

 The Bipartisan Seneca Project, named in part from the 1848 Seneca Falls movement that promoted women's rights in the United States, has unveiled a powerful new ad called "A Time for Choosing" that frames what is at stake for American women in the 2024 elections.

The ad starts with TV Journalist Norah O'Donnell announcing the Supreme Court decision overturning Roe v Wade.

With newspaper clippings depicting women losing their reproductive freedom playing in the background, The narrator then warns that "There's a threat facing women in America that transcends party lines."

A crying woman says "My country doesn't care about me."

The narrator continues, with a video of historic women's marches, saying: "And it's time we ask ourselves. Do we still value the freedoms that we have fought so hard for?" 

Another woman states "We should all have the care that we need."

The narrator remarks "This election is a choice. And it is a time for choosing. We're told we have to choose between left or right."

Donald Trump's mug shot with the word convicted on it is shown next to President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris. 

The narrator conveys "But we know what the real choice is. It's a choice between our freedom or their (with a picture of the Republican Speaker of the House, Mike Johnson) control."

"Between our right to determine our own destinies or Donald Trump."

"So seriously America. What the hell are we doing? We can't sit on the sidelines while women in America suffer and die because a right we once had has now been criminalized. If we don't make the right choice, there's no state to escape to. There's no going back."

"Choosing who will shape our future is a right we still have left...for now. And that choice is up to us."

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