Sunday, June 23, 2024

In "Achievement Unlocked" the Lincoln Project Highlights the Achievements of the Biden/Harris Administration

 For all the misguided souls out there who think we were better off four years ago with Sexual Assaulter, Traitor, Twice Impeached, and 34 Times Convicted Popular Vote Loser Donald 'I killed Roe v Wade' and 'Let's use bleach to cure COVID' Trump in the White House, the Lincoln Project has released a new ad "Achievement Unlocked" that shows the measures the Biden/Harris Administration has helped secure to help move the United States forward and lift Americans up.

Starting with music playing in the background and the caption President Biden produces results, the ad, without a narrator in this presentation, shows an analyst on the MSNBC Lawrence O'Donnell show, under the caption 'Booming Economy' stating that the "Biden Administration has been more successfully economically interventionist than the New Deal."

The next segment shows inflation falling over the last year and a half, getting closer to two percent, and Wall Street achieving record heights as broadcast by... wait for it... Fox News. 

The ad then touts the positive benefits of the Inflation Reduction Act, with commentators noting the funding for "climate investments, health care reforms, corporate tax reforms, insulin price caps, prescription drug reform, and Affordable Care Act subsidies."

The piece then highlights the CHIPS Science Act, with President Biden hailing it as "Groundbreaking chips and science laws that's going to ensure that technologies and jobs of the future are made here in America."

The next segment shows the President signing The Pact Act, which would help one million veterans and their survivors with their physical and mental health care. The ad shows the President saying, "In America, we leave no veteran behind."

The American Rescue Plan is cited next with the ten million jobs it helped create and, as Mr. Biden said, "Given people in this nation, working people, middle-class folks, people who built the country a fighting chance."

The piece then commemorates the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (the one Mr. 'Infrastructure Week' could not achieve,) with President Biden citing its purpose of rebuilding and modernizing "America's roads, bridges, ports, deliver clean water, high-speed internet."

The ad then shows a graph illustrating job creation in the Biden/Harris Administration to the tune of over 15 million positions. 

The ad closes with President Biden saying:

"All of this progress is part of our vision and plan and determined effort to get the job done for the American People."

The ad ends with President Biden signing a measure in the Oval Office, remarking, "Got it."

What part of these accomplishments does the other side have a problem with or is against?


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