Wednesday, October 21, 2020

Barack Obama is Back and Calling on People to Vote for the Biden/Harris Ticket and "Make Things Better"

 One would think after watching former President Barack Obama's appearances today  (October 21, 2020) promoting the Biden/Harris Ticket, that he could not wait for the opportunity to sing the praises of his Executive Branch Partner on the campaign trail while also blasting his incompetent and bombastic successor.

At stops with activists and local leaders followed by a speech at a drive-in rally in Philadelphia, the 44th President called on the people to elect the Biden/Harris ticket this November, stating that the former Vice President and California Senator will work to "make things better" and bring back the country "we remember." He also reminded everyone about the importance of turning out to vote, telling others to do so as well, and to choose candidates running for all the offices listed on the ballot.

It was fun to watch.

Obama blasts Trump

Mr. Obama wasted no time in condemning Donald Trump for his mishandling of the Coronavirus Pandemic and the economic and societal fallout.

Obama faulted Trump for not following the pandemic playbook his Administration had left the incoming one. He chastised the current White House Occupant for his laziness, his not taking any responsibility for what went wrong, and saying he would not do anything differently in the face of over 200,000 deaths and eight million people infected.

On Trump's abilities moving forward to combat COVID 19, Obama said to the audience:

"Eight months into the pandemic, cases are rising again across this country. Donald Trump is suddenly going to protect all of us, He can't even take the basic steps to protect himself."

He also rebuked Trump and his allies for trying to take away health care from millions of people, including those with pre-existing conditions, in the middle of a Pandemic, commenting:

"Republicans love to say right before an election that they will protect your pre-existing conditions. Joe and I actually protected your policies to make sure people with pre-existing conditions could get health insurance and have coverage. We did it through something called the Affordable Care Act. a.k.a. Obamacare. And Republicans tried to repeal or undermine it more than 60 times. And when they have been asked about it, they keep on promising, "we will have a great replacement. it is coming." It has been coming in two weeks for the last 10 years! Where is it? Where is this great plan to replace Obamacare? They have had 10 years to do it. There is no plan. They have never had one. Instead, they have attacked the Affordable Care Act at every turn. Driving up costs. Now they are trying to dismantle your care in the Supreme Court as we speak, as quickly as they can in the middle of a pandemic! With nothing but empty promises to take its place. It is shameful. The idea that you would take health care away from people at the very moment where people need it most. what is the logic of that?"

Reminding the voters that the Obama/Biden Administration left the Trump/Pence one with the longest job expansion in United States History (one where the previous administration created more jobs in their last three years than the current one did in their first three pre-pandemic,) the 44th President quipped:

"Now he did inherit the longest streak of job growth in American History, but just like everything else he inherited, he messed it up."

Obama also managed to get comments in on Trump's secret Chinese account and tax liabilities, pondering how Fox News would have treated him if it came out during his Presidency that he had a secret bank account in that country. He said:

"Can you imagine if I had a secret Chinese bank account when I was running for reelection? Do you think Fox News might have been a little bit concerned about that? They would have called me Beijing Barry!"

Obama praises Biden

Obama phrased Biden throughout most of the time he was not condemning Trump, saying his Vice President:

"He (Biden) and I came from different places. We came from different generations. But I came to admire Joe as a man who has learned early on to treat everybody he meets with dignity and respect. living by the words his parents taught him, "no one is better than you, Joe, but you are better than nobody." That empathy, that decency, but belief -- that empathy, that decency, that belief that everybody counts, that is who Joe is. I can tell you that the Presidency doesn't change who you are, it reveals who you are, and Joe has shown himself to be a friend of the working people! For eight years, Joe was the last one in the room when I faced a big decision. He made me a better President, and he has got the character and experience to make us a better country. And he and Kamala are going to be in the fight not only for themselves but for every single one of us."

Obama also noted that Biden and Harris had plans to:

  • make the country and economy better.
  • combat COVID 19 and listen to the scientists.
  • unlike Trump, Protect American's health care including pre-existing conditions, and expand public options for people.
  • unlike Trump, defend America's soldiers when foreign adversaries threaten them with bounties on their heads and will always respect and honor them.
  • create millions of high paying clean energy jobs.
  • work to forge a bipartisan consensus and be a President for everyone.

Obama calls on the People to Get Out and Vote

The 44th President finished his speech calling on everyone to turn out and vote. Noting that it was important to turn out and vote for the candidates that will make the nation better and leave the people better off than before they assumed office. He said it was important that people vote for everyone on the ballot and not just the Presidency, stating  that:

"That's what voting is about. making things better. not making things perfect, that putting them on track so that a generation from now we can look back and say things got better starting now. That's what voting is about. It is about using the power we have and pulling it together to get a government that is more concerned, more responsive, and more focused on you and your lives and your children and your grandchildren and future generations. The fact that we don't get 100% of what we want right away is not a good reason not to vote, It means we've got to vote and then get some change and then vote some more and then get some more change, and then keep on voting until we get it right!"

Barack Obama is right.

The soul of the country is at stake.

The American Ideal and Republic is at stake.

All the social and economic progress that helped the poor and built the middle class is at stake.

Election Day is in 13 Days.

Use the weapon that you have to defeat the forces of reactionism and backwardness.

Use the power to Vote to "make things better."


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