Tuesday, October 27, 2020

The Biden/Harris Ticket and the Navajo Nation Join the Battle to Combat Climate Change

 The Biden/Harris Campaign has released a new ad called "Climate Change: Navajo Power" that calls on the people in the country to fight to clean up the damage already wrought from human stupidity and save the planet from climate change.

The ad starts off with Brett Isaac, a member of the Navajo Nation and Co CEO and founder of Navajo Power, describing how climate change has adversely affected the nation's water supply, wildlife, and food systems.

The gentleman then states that:

"I think the Navajo Nation will become a very very difficult place to live if we continue to ignore the science and deny that climate is changing on us."

The community is also transitioning. The coal mine in the area has closed down and the people are seeking to replace that industry with solar, including the installation of solar panels.

Mr. Isaac commented:

"My goal is to build large solar projects that essentially reutilize the infrastructure left behind by fossil fuels but instead build miles and miles of solar farms."

Isaac went further in discussing other environmental issues on the Navajo Nation, stating:

"If something ever scary were to happen like a pandemic, where do we go? You know there's always going to be this spot on the globe that represents their ancestors and us and the future. That's what we want to preserve."

"Looking at these communities that have been affected by the fires. Looking at these communities that have respiratory issues because of coal mining. Looking at these uranium communities that are having massive problems with cancer due to the radiation and the lack of cleanup. We are seeing in the frontlines of all these communities the impact and we are sounding the alarm."

"Navajo People are adaptive. We will figure out how to live with this but part of that is developing smart solutions. That's really what opportunity is about. Is trying to do something here so that the families can be together and that they can make a living while living in our ancestral place."

He concludes with:

"We want a leader that actually pays attention to the words that are coming out of our communities. We can't afford to ignore climate science. It's obvious that the way we're doing things as it is today. It's not enough and so we need to have leadership understand that. We got to turn this train around as fast as we can."

The American People face a choice between a science-denying incumbent who thinks environmental deregulation is a good strategy, climate change is a hoax, and windmills cause cancer and kill birds and a Democratic Nominee who has stated that we need to transition to clean energy, combat climate change, provide good-paying jobs in the process, and has published a plan to accomplish that.

It is not really a tough choice for people to make.

There is no Planet B to fly to.

By November 3, 2020, vote for the nominee that has a plan to combat climate change, not the one who thinks windmills kill birds and cause cancer.


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