Sunday, October 11, 2020

The Lincoln Project Presents a Republican Party in "The Walk of Shame"

 In their latest ad "The Walk of Shame," the Lincoln Project presents the Republican Party, personified as an Elephant in a four-year night stand with Donald Trump.

A cartoon, it shows the Elephant waking up from a drunken romantic encounter with a snoring Donald Trump.

Ashamed, the Elephant dresses, leaves the room and exits one of the Trump Hotels.

The Elephant then passes a newsstand that shows periodicals with headlines on 200,000 dying from the Coronavirus, Trump's playing COVID 19 down, Mr. Bones and Spurs insults on the military, and record-high unemployment.

It then sees a billboard that broadcasts the number of Coronavirus fatalities and his comment "It is what it is."

Horrified, the elephant catches a cab.

The cab driver asks "Rough night."

The elephant replies "Rough four years."

The cab driver counters "You can say that again."

The ad concludes with:

"We all make mistakes. Just don't make the same one twice."

If you are someone that stayed home in 2016 thinking either there was no difference between the candidates or Hillary Clinton was going to win anyway, turn out and vote.

If you are someone that voted twice for Barack Obama and then for Donald Trump, it is not too late to change your mind. Turn out and vote.

If you are a Republican that is disgusted with the 30-year trend your party has been on that led to Donald Trump, put country first, turn out and vote for the ticket that will put the nation, the people, and the future as the top governing priorities.

Election Day is in 23 Days.

Turn Out and Vote.

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