Saturday, October 10, 2020

Samuel L Jackson stars in a Biden/Harris Ad, Encouraging Voters to Turn Out and Vote

Samuel L Jackson, the bad mother f---er with a lightsaber, stars in a recent Biden/Harris ad encouraging voters to turn out and vote.

Called "Same Old," the ad starts with the recounting of the history and forms of voter suppression over the last century with the examples of the poll tax, literacy test, racial terrorism, and violence.

Jackson then says today's environment is:

"New day, same old dirty tricks."

The ad then has former President Obama calling attention to Republicans (like Trump and McConnell) efforts to suppress the vote across the country.

Jackson then says:

"If your vote didn't matter, they wouldn't try so hard to take it from you."

He then concludes with:

"Vote early. Vote like your life depends on it. I'm exercising my right to vote and you should too. Not because I want you to but because he (Trump) doesn't."


Get out and Vote on or before November 3. 2020.


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