Saturday, October 31, 2020

What Kind of Leader Loves it When his Supporters Try to Drive Others Off the Road

Photo from MSN

 Just when you think Donald Trump can not stoop any lower than he has these last four years, he finds a way.

In April, he encouraged his followers to "liberate" states that had reasonable and scientifically proven methods to curtail the Coronavirus.

Some of those fanatics may have been encouraged by Trump's words and actually wanted to take things a step further by planning to kidnap and assassinate the Governor of Michigan, Gretchen Whitmer.

During the First Presidential Debate, he encouraged the Proud Boys and other fringe extremist groups to "stand down and stand by."

On the campaign trail, he told the crowds in his superspreader rallies that his people were watching the polls and Governor in Pennsylvania.

Today, some of his lunatic Trump Zone-Fox Island True Believers took it upon themselves to try and drive off people in a Biden/Harris Campaign Bus.

Fortunately, they did not succeed when law enforcement arrived and no one was hurt.

Vice President Biden and Senator Harris were not on the bus.

How did the leader of the Free World react when he found out his supporters tried to run a bus off the road and maybe injure/kill innocent people?

He wrote a tweet in all caps saying "I LOVE TEXAS!" along with a video of what happened.

What kind of leader loves it when his supporters try to drive and force people from the opponent's campaign off the road?

A really bad one.

In fact, that is not a leader at all.

It is a sociopathic animal that does not deserve the support of any person in this country.

The people on that Biden/Harris Campaign Bus are American Citizens who Trump swore to protect when he took his oath of office.

Add that to the over 20,000 lies to the American People since January 20, 2017.

The Biden/Harris Campaign in Texas responded to the incident by stating:

"Rather than engage in productive conversation about the drastically different visions that Joe Biden and Donald Trump have for our country, Trump supporters in Texas today instead decided to put our staff, surrogates, supporters, and others in harm's way. Our supporters will continue to organize their communities for Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, and Democrats up and down the ballot, and to the Texans who disrupted our events today: We'll see you on November 3rd."

Joe Biden has said that, if elected, he would be a President for all the American People, including those that do not vote for him by November 3, 2020.

Donald Trump has proven again he is not capable of following Biden's words or example.

To the voters that have not yet gone to the polls or submitted your ballot; send a message to Mr. Trump and his lunatic cult followers. Vote like the great majority of those who submitted early ballots seems to have and send Trump packing in January.


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