Saturday, October 3, 2020

The Lincoln Project Releases the Pro Biden ad "Heartland"

 Saying "It's a great American Tradition riding the rails through the heartland of America, campaigning for the White House and the small towns of vital cities that capture the spirit of America," The Lincoln Project's latest ad "Heartland" depicts Joe Biden as having the values and character of the American Ideal.

It is one of the best Pro Biden ads in this election cycle.

Stating that the 2020 Democratic Presidential Nominee, like Franklin Delano Roosevelt, Harry Truman, John F Kennedy, and Barack Obama, is taking his case directly to the people, the ad continues by relaying:

"Now Joe Biden, fresh off a victorious debate is following the same path of great future Presidents."
The ad then segues to clips of Biden's recent comments like:

"Wall Street did not build this country. CEO's did not build this country. Hard-working average American People, given half a chance, built this country."

The ad then recounts the cities and towns Biden visited after his debate with Trump on Tuesday: Cleveland, Alliance, Greensburg, New Alexandria, LaTrobe, and Johnstown.

The narrator concludes:

"This is the America Joe Biden was raised. Where he learned his values. His inheritance wasn't a fortune from a wealthy dad. It was lessons in grit and determination. Caring for others. His neighbors were cops, firemen, steelworkers. Joe Biden knows America's heart. Getting up when you are knocked down. Never giving up. That's Joe Biden from America's heartland. For America."

Election Day is in one month.

Please remember:


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