Monday, October 26, 2020

The Biden/Harris Campaign Reacts to the White House Giving Up on Controlling the Coronavirus


Photo from WSIL-TV

To all those people out there that believe the Trump Zone spin that we are rounding the corner with regards to the COVID 19 Pandemic: stop drinking the Fox Island Kool-Aid.

The United States just set a single-day record for COVID 19 infections last week and most states are reporting rises in Coronavirus related illnesses. 

This administration, according to White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows, has given up on controlling the Coronavirus.

Some may question if they ever wanted to.

They, despite the superspreader event at the White House with the nomination of Amy Coney Barrett, still mock people for wearing masks.

On the campaign trail, there is the Chief Executive Demagogue, who had the Coronavirus, continuing to spread misinformation at potential superspreader events.

The same could be said for his number one sycophant Mike Pence, who has been exposed to five of his own inner circle who have tested positive for COVID 19. Instead of self quarantining, Pence is out at potential super spreader campaign rallies exposing himself to the people charged with being around him.

This White House team seems to have no problem with steering the nation through herd immunity.

Never mind that experts predict that approach could needlessly cause many more fatalities.

The Biden/Harris Campaign released a statement, chastising the Meadows comments, writing:

"White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows stunningly admitted this morning that the administration has given up on even trying to control this pandemic, that they've given up on their basic duty to protect the American people. This wasn't a slip by Meadows, it was a candid acknowledgment of what President Trump's strategy has clearly been from the beginning of this crisis: to wave the white flag of defeat and hope that by ignoring it, the virus would simply go away. It hasn't, and it won't."

"It's sadly no surprise then that this virus continues to rage unchecked across the country and even in the White House itself. The grim reality is that we continue to set records for new cases, and the fact that the head of the White House's coronavirus task force has an outbreak in his office and yet still refuses to follow CDC guidelines shows us exactly why. It is particularly outrageous when the science tells us that if we just took basic precautions now, we could save thousands of lives. For example, the University of Washington's Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation has said that universal masking could save around 100,000 lives over the next few months. It's long past time for President Trump and his administration to listen to the scientists, take action, and finally take seriously the threat of a virus that's costing thousands of lives each week, shuttering our schools, and forcing millions of Americans out of work."

They also released an ad, showcasing Trump's complicity in mishandling the handling of the pandemic and Biden's commitment to combatting it.

Please click here to view the ad.

The country does not need as Joe Biden has said an Administration that puts science fiction over science fact.

It needs one that will value experts and reality.

Election Day is in Eight Days.

Save the country.

Save the American Ideal and Republic.

Save yourself and others.

Get out and vote.


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