Wednesday, April 19, 2017

At least some of the the Coal Industry in Kentucky sees the future with solar.

Very interesting article from Think Progress and an editorial from Tom Friedman in today's New York Times.

It seems Kentucky Coal interests see that part of the energy future is alternative cleaner energies like solar.

The Kentucky Coal Mining Museum in Benham, Kentucky is using solar panels to power its facility.

Berkeley Energy Group, a Kentucky coal company is building the "first large-scale solar farm in the Appalachian region" and hiring workers who were laid off from coal mining jobs to build and run it.

This is sweet irony considering the President is attempting to severely cut back on both alternative energy production and the staffing and regulatory prowess of the Environmental Protection Agency (especially in the Midwest).

At least some parts of the Coal Industry see the future is cleaner energy. Why is it the President, his E.P.A. Director Scott Pruitt, and Secretary of Energy Rick Perry can not.

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