Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Criticizing Saturday Night Live for pointing out the truth.

The writers of Saturday Night Live have come under fire for the recent Alec Baldwin as Donald Trump opening to their show on April 8, 2017. The main criticism is that they portray the President's supporters in the Rust Belt (especially Coal Country) as gullible dupes who support the President even as he openly supports taking away their health insurance, advocating for coal jobs that do not exist, favoring the abolition of the minimum wage, and not acting on environmental hazards like lead-contaminated house water. Unfortunately, while this sketch is a comedic caricature of a segment of the Presidents' supporters, it can not be denied that the gist of the sketch is true. Most of the people in the Rust Belt who voted for the President still support him despite his supporting the House plan that would take their health care, his inability to get Mexico to pay for the border war, and promoting tax policies that favor the affluent over them. People are free to support whomever they want. They do not need a reason to justify their support for the President. As mentioned in earlier posts, Democrats and Progressives should treat these people with dignity and respect while promoting policies that they feel will attract the people's support in Future Elections. That said, criticizing Saturday Night Live for pointing out the truth is wrong. Liberals did not bash SNL when after the election, they ran a skit of liberals wanting to live in a white collar bubble without the benefit of worthy blue collar citizens like police officers and firemen. People should face reality and move forward from it.


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