Thursday, May 18, 2017

Clinton was right: The President does not have the temperament to hold his office.

Donald Trump would not be the first President who thought people in government, the elites, and the media were out to get him. Read accounts of the Johnson (Lyndon), Nixon, Carter, and Clinton Presidencies and people will read how they "moaned and groaned" about those people and groups that were out to get them. President Trump may be the first to openly protest it culminating with his "look what they're doing to me" address before the Coast Guard Graduates yesterday and his lashing out against the appointment of a special counsel to probe into Michael Flynn, the firing of Jim Comey, and the Russian involvement with Trump surrogates in the election. That this person, former F.B.I. Director Robert Mueller, was selected by his own Deputy Attorney General, does not seem to enter the Presidents thought processes as he tweets being the subject of a witch hunt. This is the same Donald Trump that pestered his predecessor for his college grades, his citizenship, and his being the Godfather of ISIS. At least President Obama had the decency to not convey his frustrations at a commencement address. At least he did not convey his feelings through twitter. For the remainder of his presidency, President Trump would do to model his behavior on the class act and decorum his predecessor exhibited throughout his two terms. Hillary Clinton appears to be right. So far, President Trump lacks the temperament to be President.

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