Sunday, March 19, 2017

Desperate Times call for Desperate Gambles

Below is an article that summarizes how one of the poorest towns in the United States, Beattyville Kentucky overwhelmingly voted for Donald Trump.

Why did they vote for/gamble on the President? Well, people said that they felt he understood them, that he would not forget them, and he would bring their coal and oil jobs back. They felt that President Obama ignored them even though it is programs like Obamacare (they probably know it is as
Kynect) that are keeping some families above water.

That said, these are the communities that may face the sharpest cuts or reversals if Obamcare is repealed and replaced with a substandard replacement and if Trumps draconian budget proposals find acceptance. While both prospects are doubtful in its current form, this does present an opportunity for Democrats/Progressives to reach out to these communities, re-establish themselves, and propose forward-looking policies that benefit them and the country. Democrats/Progressives should not look let this opportunity slip away. Even reaching a small proportion of these "forgotten" areas would be a victory for progressive values.

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