Monday, March 27, 2017

This is why we need Single Payer if ACA can not take care of this.

Most people favor fixing, not destroying the Affordable Care Act (also known as Obamacare). Last week's bloodbath in the House of Representatives may present an opportunity for Democrats and Republicans to reach consensus on relatively painless fixes to the system. Please read the Paul Krugman editorial below.

However, people come across stories like the one highlighted in the Arizona Republic's Laurie Roberts column below where a young lady's insurance company is refusing her receiving potential treatments that could possibly aid her. If the Affordable Care Act can not help any person in this situation on a universal basis, then it would be more reason to wholeheartedly push for a single payer Medicare for All if the insurance companies, that (do not be fooled when they say otherwise) are making billions off ACA with their heads taking home millions in salaries and stock options. The Affordable Care Act should be fixed and corrected. If our leaders cannot, then progressives will have a mighty fine issue to run on in 2018 and beyond.

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