Sunday, April 2, 2017

The American People wanted Garland, not Gorsuch.

Majority Leader Mitch McConnell is quite the spin artist. This morning on Meet the Press, he accused the Democrats of being the people who started the slippery slope of doing away with the filibuster on judges with the so-called "Reid Rule" in 2013 that did away with the measure on lower court judges and cabinet positions. This is true but what McConnell does not say (and Chuck Todd did vaguely point out) is that McConnell, while Minority Leader, was largely responsible for the unprecedented filibuster activity towards Obama judicial and federal nominees that forced Reid's hand. He also lied (and Todd, like most journalists, lately have not been calling Republican and Trump supporters on this) saying the American People decided in the last election. WRONG. The plurality and majority of the American People voted for Hillary Clinton and third party candidates. That should be the line of Democrats when filibustering Judge Gorsuch. THE AMERICAN PEOPLE WANTED GARLAND, NOT GORSUCH.

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