Tuesday, October 31, 2017

C.H.I.P. for children before Tax Cuts for the Rich: Why the hell are not Democrats pouncing on Republicans for not renewing C.H.I.P.? This is a Call to Action.

Why are not the Democrats pouncing on the Republicans for not renewing C.H.I.P. and focusing on tax cuts for the one percent. This is a Call to Action. Every Democrat office holder from the local dog catcher to the Democratic Governors and Congressional Leaders should shout in Unison: C.H.I.P. for children before Tax Cuts for the filthy rich. Even our former Democratic Presidents should get in on the act. THIS IS NOT A HARD MESSAGE TO BROADCAST. If Democratic Leadership can not get this right, then maybe new blood is needed to lead the part  because impoverished parents of poor children should not have to wait a day let alone a month for the security of knowing that their child can get health care. This is the issue that is supposed to epitomize what being a Democrat is all about. Tell your leaders to get with the program.

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