Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Is Republican devotion to their far right policies the equivalent of the 30 pieces of silver Judas received?

Despite the protestations of Senators like McCain, Sasse, Collins,  Murkowski, Flake, and Corker, to what extent are Republicans willing to keep their souls to actively distance themselves from President Trump. The answer is not much. There may be an outburst there and a vote against a measure here but Republicans appear to be in lockstep with the President and most of the policies and nominations he is supporting like the tax  cuts and an under the radar vote to stop consumers from being able to sue banks and credit card companies. One should ask the Vice President how is his tie breaking vote on hampering the Consumer Financial Agency is helping the American People. Is Republican devotion to their far right policies the equivalent of the 30 pieces of silver Judas received? Judas received the silver but lost his soul and took his own life. Is supporting tax cuts that benefit the rich, championing environmental deregulation that will kill people, and taking back health insurance from the vulnerable worth Republican Lawmakers souls and continued support for an individual who is an insult to the office he holds. Time will not judge these people kindly when the history books are written.

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