Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Interesting Editorial from Paul Krugman called Zombies, Vampires, and Republicans

Very interesting editorial below by Paul Krugman on how Republican ideas like supply side economics never go away despite their track record in history. It also portrays current Republican ideas like health care reform as cruel and sucking the life out of people. It is amazing (or depressing may be a more accurate word) that at least a strong plurality of this country subscribes to these beliefs. Lets hope the special election in Georgia today yields results Progressives can build on in combatting these zombie and vampire policies. Even a strong losing performance by Joe Osoff (and most polls show him with a slight lead) should give Progressives reasons to cheer. Even if he loses by a couple of points, remember this district has not seen a Democrat in about 40 years and now Health and Human Services Secretary Tom Price won the seat by over 20 points in November. Progressives are gaining ground. They just need to continue to learn and build on the message and a local, state, and national ground game.


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