Thursday, June 29, 2017

Is it time for the Pragmatic Progressive Center to emerge?

Is it time for the Pragmatic Progressive Center to emerge?

Earlier when this blog started, it was the view that it was preferable for Obamacare to be fixed rather than go through a future campaign for Medicare for All that would probably end in failure.

When the Republicans rammed their idea of health care reform through and it really looked like the Senate would impose its own version (they still might be able to), the view was, what the hell, campaign for Medicare for All because the people will get so frustrated with Trumpcare that single payer would be much easier to pass after Trump and Pence leave (preferably in 2021 if not earlier).

However, something funny happened on the way to the Senate passing their version. The Moderate and Conservative Republicans spoke out. The Conservatives thought the bill was Obacamcare Lite while the Moderates saw Medicaid patients and Rural Hospitals being sacrificed on the high altar of tax cuts for the rich. The bill is currently being reworked but the moderates (Collins, Capito, Murkowski, Portman, Heller, Graham) really want a bipartisan effort that would be pretty much fixing Obamacare. Now Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell do not want to involve the Democrats because that would mean taking repealing Obamacare off the table. The President, where actions speak louder than his lying words, is so fixated with removing all traces of anything Obama, has not reached out to Democrats either. Fortunately, moderates in the Senate and among both Republican and Democratic Governors are coming out and saying to build a pragmatic progressive centrist law that stabilizes and strengthens the current system that would benefit everyone. Hopefully, the President will show he can make a deal and persuade (drag kicking and screaming) the Republican Congressional Leadership and make a system that helps people keep their insurance at reasonable prices.

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