Thursday, June 22, 2017

We have more in common than you think

Some of today's editorial cartoon selections struck me in that, over the last 45 years, certain influential groups have tailored their persuasive political and economic arguments to get supporters to go against "the other." It is the "other" that is lazy and greasing the welfare rolls from deserving people. It is the "other: that is conning the health care industry with frivolous lawsuits that drive up decent people's insurance rates. It is the "other" that has no sense of law and order and keeping our neighborhoods safe and clean. It is the "other" that sits atop their corporate mountaintop thumbing their nose at the little people who should be content with the crumbs that masquerade as their living wages.

These influential groups have divided us to the point where we forget what the great majority of this country has in common. Whether you live in a rural, urban, or suburban part of the country, red state or blue state, most people have the same pragmatic views towards life and moving forward. These views are that everyone is entitled to:

1) A Government that serves the people in an honest and noncorrupt fashion.
2) Quality public education shepherded by highly qualified and professional education leaders.
3) Quality and affordable health care where you can pick your own doctor.
4) Safe and clean communities where you should not have to worry what is in the pipes your drinking water flows through or walking/driving down the street and not getting pulled over by because you look different.
5) A living wage where people can support themselves and their families.
6) A fair and progressive tax policy (most in the upper class actually support this too).
7) Clean energy technologies that protect the environment.
8) Assistance programs to help people get started in life (Jobfare as opposed to Welfare).
9) Easier opportunities to vote and help the community.
10) The ability to help move the country and world forward.

Most people in this country subscribe to most if not all of these views. We have more in common than differences. We need to pull together and work together to make this a better community and nation.

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Editorial Cartoons for the Week