Friday, June 30, 2017

The People did not elect this Bully; The Electoral College Did

This point has been made numerous times on this blog but it is sickening when journalists allow Trump surrogates like the Deputy White House Press Secretary to claim the people elected the President. No, they did not. The Electoral College did and has the President conducted himself like his modern predecessors. Even Nixon never openly went this far. This is what happens when we keep the electoral college. The majority or even a plurality of the people did not vote for this person. He is going to make America worse.

The President proves what people often think about bullies. He can dish it but can not take it. For years, he attacked President Obama about his birth certificate and college performance. The media humored him and he played them like a fiddle and was not held accountable when his "investigators" never revealed what they "found."

His recent attacks on Mika Brezinski and Joe Scarorough are the latest in a long line of remarks (verbal and written) that are beneath the dignity of the office he occupies. If Trump supporters relish this type of behavior, then they are the ones that are also beneath contempt and should be shunned by decent members of society. You are never going to enlighten and move individuals that hold such reactionary and repulsive views and if the Republican Party is being held hostage by this base, then the party of Lincoln, Roosevelt, Eisenhower, and Reagan is dead and a new one needs to be rebuilt that respects everyone regardless of gender, race, religion, creed, or sexual orientation.

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