Monday, June 26, 2017

Wrong priorities: Remember the majority of the American People do not want these policies.

In addition to the previous post which highlights the Administration's wrong approaches to people in the Islamic Community, this government is pursuing policies and procedures that go against what most people in this country believe or voted for in November. These include:

1) Not having open press briefings. What does it accomplish to visually shut down the press briefings? Seems rather petty.

2) Promoting a health care reform policy that hurts the people that need it the most and falsely blaming it on Democrats for not coming to the table. Click on the video link with Senator Manchin below. If Donald Trump or Mitch McConnell have not approached him, one of the most moderate Democrats in Congress on this, they have not approached any Democrat. There is also a reminder link below on Speaker Ryan (you know the "leader" who is supposed to be the Speaker of the whole House) who openly said he did not want to work with Democrats on health care.

3) Promoting energy initiatives on dying industries like coal while Republican Governors, Mayors,  and Legislators are regularly sponsoring bills that call for increased utilization of clean energy alternatives like wind and solar.

4) Putting out a budget that cuts funding for fighting diseases or possible pandemics. Please click on the What in the World Part of Fareed Zakaria below.

These are the wrong priorities for our country and progressives need to stand up and fight this reactionary wave.

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