Thursday, June 1, 2017

We need to look forward and not cling to attitudes that never made sense to begin with.

It seems, based on the news leaks, that President Trump, will pull the United States out of the Paris Climate Change Agreement putting us in the same club as Syria (which we are currently bombing parts of) and Nicagurara. If this is accurate, this brand of Republicanism is nationalism/isolationism to the extreme. They pulled this with the last Bush Administration in reference to the Kyoto Accords and the President probably has people who could persuade him to pull out of UN and NATO if they could fool him into thinking Obama created those organizations. This is poor governance and backward thinking. It will hurt us in the end. Looking back historically, it was backward thinking like this that postponed advances for workers like the right to strike and the minimum wage. It was backward thinking like this that championed Isolationism. Imagine if this mood had prevailed during the Second World War. The Man in the High Castle might be a work of nonfiction and a documentary series if that "America First" sentiment won out. It was backward thinking that dragged out the Civil Rights Movement for decades. It still has not yet been fully resolved for some groups. We can not look backward and cling to discredited views that global warming is a hoax. We can not look backward and fiddle away from the world scene, allowing our main economic competitors like China and Germany to make plays to become the number one economic superpowers by investing and building on the alternative clean energy technologies most of our industries have helped develop. We need to move forward and make the world we have a better and clean place to live.

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