Tuesday, November 10, 2020

Joe Biden and Kamala Harris Create a 500 Person Transition Team

While Donald Trump sulks, his sycophants go around the county entertaining baseless accusations of widespread voter fraud, and most Republican Leaders like Mitch McConnell, Kevin McCarthy, and Lindsey Graham put the Whiner in Chief over the American People, President-Elect Joe Biden and Vice President-Elect Kamala Harris continue to prepare to take office on January 20, 2021.

Yesterday, the two leaders of the incoming Administration announced a Coronavirus Task Force.

Today, they announced the creation of a five hundred person transition team that will lay the groundwork to smoothly assume power next January.

Please click here to see who is on the various transition teams and what Executive Departments they are detailed too.

When asked after a briefing on health care and the Affordable Care Act being before the Supreme Court earlier today (November 10, 2020,) whether he is concerned about the obstruction from the Trump Administration in obstructing the transition, President-Elect Biden did not express worry and, while calling the current administrations inactions "an embarrassment,"  struck a reassuring tone that his team would be ready on day one of his new Administration.

When someone questioned why so few Republicans have acknowledged his victory last week over Mr. Trump, Mr. Biden again struck a comforting note, saying "They will."

Please click below to see Vice President-Elect Harris and President-Elect Biden speak to the People today.

It is reassuring to know that there are qualified people that are working hard to make sure the American People are led well and taken care of.

It is unfortunate this team will not be in office for another 71 days.

Start the countdown to January 20, 2021. 

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