Tuesday, March 23, 2021

How Bad is the Know Nothing Dumb and Dumber Former Party of Lincoln? George W. Bush is regarded as an Elder Statesmen now

Photo from CNN

I remember having dinner with my wife and her brother and sisters at Applebees after Donald Trump won the Electoral College in 2016.

I remember commenting that watch out, we'll wind up missing George W. Bush after four years of Donald Trump.

I remember my brother-in-law and younger sister-in-law laughing thinking I was joking.

Unfortunately, I was not.

Fast forward four years and see who one of the leading conservative voices is in accepting Joe Biden's November victory, providing wisdom on what happened on January 6, 2021, and the need to take vaccinations (along with his Democratic predecessors and successors.)

It is George W. Bush.

This is the same George W. Bush that:

  • Ignored vital intelligence that helped lead to the attack on 9/11.
  • Passed two major tax cuts when the nation was at war in Afghanistan and Iraq.
  • Secured a Medicare Prescription Drug Benefit that had a funding doughnut hole once insurance holders reached a certain payment point.
  • Took this nation to war on Iraq by feeding on 9/11 hysteria and based on false intelligence information.
  • Presided over the start of the Great Recession in 2008.
  • Doubled the nation's debt after inheriting a budget surplus.

This is how crazy the Know Nothing-Dumb and Dumber-Quisling former Party of Lincoln has become.

It has become so reactionary and wedded to unreality that George W. Bush (who was President only 11 years ago,) compared to Donald Trump and his Trump Zone-Fox Island sycophants looks like the sweet voice of reason and wisdom.

The former Party of Lincoln is so broken that two individuals with extreme views and histories of possible criminal conduct, Alabama Representative Coup Plotter Mo rising sea levels are caused by falling rocks Brooks and former Missouri Governor Eric so what if I committed sexual and campaign indiscretions Greitens want to run for the open Senate seats in their states.

No wonder the members of the former Party of Lincoln are trying to make it harder for people to vote.

They know that they can not win based on the fringe positions they support or the pathetic candidates they put forth.

Democratic operatives and strategists should look at what has happened to the former Party of Lincoln as the gift horse and opportunity it is and recruits competent and acceptable candidates to go against these Trumpist fanatics. They should be preparing a multi-level strategy to turn out the vote in all 50 states now so they could expand the number of Democratic seats in Congress, State Legislatures, County Offices, and Governorships.

How can Democrats lose when the best spokesperson for the former Party of Lincoln is a former President who is only rising in popularity because Republicans found a successor that lost the popular vote twice and was many times worse than him?


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