Wednesday, March 24, 2021

Vice President Harris designated to Oversee Border Crisis; Governor Ducey is not Happy About It; Too Bad Too Sad

 President Joe Biden designated Vice President Kamala Harris to oversee the border crisis of migrants looking to cross into the United States from Mexico and Central America.

Making the announcement at a White House Event, President Biden cited Vice President Harris's experience as California Attorney General as a factor in her designation to this important policy area. Saying "there is no one better capable of handling this," the President also said that the Vice President will speak for him in this area.

Vice President Harris thanked the President for having confidence in her and acknowledged that "this was a challenging situation."

Harris echoed the President and others in the Administration that people, despite the many factors for migration, should "not come to the border now and understand that we will enforce the law."

She also said that the long term plan would be to "address the root causes that cause people to make the trek as the President has described to come here and I look forward to engaging in diplomacy with governments, with the private sector, with civil society, and the leaders of each in El Salvador, Guatemala, and Honduras to strengthen Democracy and the rule of law and ensure shared prosperity in the region. We will collaborate with Mexico and other countries in the Western Hemisphere and as part of this effort, we expect that we will have collaborative relationships to accomplish the goals the President has and that we share. I also look forward to working with members of Congress..."

When asked about it at a rare public event open to the press, Arizona Governor Doug Ducey (perhaps sensing an opportunity to go after a future Presidential opponent,) said Biden, by appointing the Vice President to take the lead on the border situation was not taking the matter seriously.

Governor Ducey obviously did not see the event when President Biden made the announcement and the Vice President's comments.

As someone on Governor Ducey's Facebook page posted, the Grand Canyon State Chief Executive did not have a problem when Donald Trump's son in law Jared Kushner took the lead on several Administrative matters.

Poor Governor Ducey. He still thinks he has a chance at the Republican Presidential Nomination in 2024. Someone needs to have a private talk with him and explain reality.

Mr. Ducey needs to stop playing partisan politics and help come up with solutions to immigration reform. In his recent appearances, people see a lot of blaming the other side and political grandstanding from him but no ideas at solving the problem.

Solving problems is part of governing Mr. Governor.

So is working with the other side.

Try doing that.



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