Monday, March 8, 2021

The Twenty First Century Version of Nazi Book Burnings: Mask Destruction in Idaho

Photo from Mediate

Photo from DW

 In the 1930's Nazis in both Germany and Austria engaged in numerous book-burning events in an awful attempt to rid of their societies of Jewish, Democratic, Republican, Marxist, and, in their view, Anti-German influence.

Writers were also blacklisted.

Close to a hundred years later, American Citizens in Idaho are demonstrating a similarly unenlightened behavior like the Nazi book burners by engaging in various mask burning events across the state.

These events were organized by two State Representatives: Heather Scott and Dorothy Moon.

Idaho's Lieutenant Governor, Janice McGeachin, spoke at an event encouraging the burnings.

Their justification for this stupidity. They want to protect their personal liberties and get rid of any restrictions based on safety and science that they consider dictatorial.

Ms. Scott reportedly also has ties to white supremacist groups and other fringe apocalyptic groups. Ms. McGeachin has been associated with far-right militia groups.

What is wrong with these people?

Well over a year into the Coronavirus Pandemic and over 520,000 dead across the country and these idiots think it is a good thing to burn the object that is among the most effective mitigation tools to ward off COVID 19.

It is mind-boggling that there are people in this country (including Arizona figures like Andy Biggs) that still feel masks are bad and vaccines are too dangerous to take.

This Nazi-style behavior is another example that this nation faces a domestic terrorist and Neo-Fascist problem that needed to be addressed yesterday.

Law enforcement and government authorities need to act now before a bad situation gets worse.

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