Friday, May 29, 2020

Shields and Brooks from 5/29/20

Editorial Cartoons of the Week

Joe Biden Proclaims “We need Justice for George Floyd…Make the Promise of America” real for all Americans

After chastising Donald Trump for his vile unpresidential early morning tweets which included the phrase “when the looting starts, the shooting starts,” Former Vice President and 2020 Democratic Presidential Nominee Joe Biden gave a passionate national digital address calling for “Justice for George Floyd” and making “the promise of America real” for all Americans.
The former Vice President told the viewers that he had just spoken with the Floyd Family and called their brother/cousins murder “an act of brutality” where his “very humanity, dignity, and civil rights were denied along with his life.”
Mr. Biden then alluded to other examples of police brutality such as the Eric Garner, Ahmaud Aubry, Brianna Taylor cases calling them add ons “to the list of storied potential wiped out unnecessarily. It’s a list that dates back 400 years…the original sin of this country still stains our nation today….we are a country with an open wound and none of us can turn away, none of us can be silent, none of us can any longer can we hear the words I can’t breathe and do nothing.”
The former Vice President also recounted the daily anxieties African Americans (and other people of color) face wondering “Who will be next” every time a loved one left the house and potentially faced “bad actors” like rogue police or telling children to take abuse in order to stay alive, saying “This is the norm black people in this county deal with. They don’t have to imagine it”
After saying it was time to make the promise of America available to all citizens, Biden criticized Mr. Trump by referencing:
“This is no time for incendiary tweets. It’s no time to encourage violence. This is a national crisis. We need real leadership right now, leadership that will bring everyone to the table so we can take measures to root out systemic racism….”
The former Vice President eloquently called for action by proclaiming:
“It is time for us to face the deep open wound we have in this nation. We need justice for George Floyd. We need real police reform that hold cops to a higher standard that so many of them actually meet that holds bad cops accountable and repairs relationships between law enforcement and the community they’re sworn to protect.”
“We need to stand up as a nation together with the Black Community, with all the minority communities to come together as One America….The very soul of America is at stake. We have to make real the promise of America which we have never fully grasped that all men and women are fully equal not only at creation but throughout their lives.”
After thanking the Floyd family for talking with him, the 2020 Presumptive Democratic Presidential Nominee promised that “We will do everything in our power that justice is had”and finished with “Folks, we gotta stand up, we gotta move, we gotta change.”
Joe Biden acted Presidential.
Where was Donald Trump, the 2016 KKK endorsed candidate?
He did not take questions from reporters at a Rose Garden ceremony today when he announced the rather stupid isolationist decision that the country was severing relations with the World Health Organization.
He said nothing about Mr. Floyd or the events in Minnesota including the arrest of the police officer who murdered him.
There is no word if he has contacted the Floyd Family like Biden has.
This country needs a President that embraces inclusiveness and projects real strength and empathy, not a cowardly nativist science-denying demagogue who spends “executive time” venting on Twitter who says it is okay for Domestic White Terrorists to bring semi-automatic weapons to state capitols while calling African American protestors “thugs.”
Please see the Biden address on the link below.

Thursday, May 28, 2020

On Fox Island and the Trump Zone, 100,000 Dead is not Lead News

On MSNBC’s  Rachel Madow Show on May 27, 2020, the renowned talk show host highlighted that the New York Times, Washington Post, USA Today, and CNN properly gave major coverage to the tragic milestone of 100,000 Americans succumbing to the Coronavirus.
Each outlet cited by Maddow treated this horrible development as the lead story of the day.
How about Fox News?
The lead story for them was titled “Drama Ahead,” a reference to the Trump Administration threatening to veto House legislation designed to reform surveillance procedures.
The 100,000 dead Americans because of the Coronavirus?
Viewers had to scroll down past that lead story and several less important topics before seeing a link to Fox reporting on that event.
Later reporting by CNN showed that Fox programming for their evening news and commentary shows (headed by a Murderers Row of reactionary thinkers Martha MacCallum, Tucker Carlson, Sean Hannity, and Laura Ingraham) did not mention the 100,000 fatality threshold at the beginning of their broadcasts. According to the CNN reporting, MacCallum, the host of the evening news show, did not mention it until 50 minutes into her show.
This continued aversion to reality on Fox Island was also found in the Trump Zone where Mr. Trump and his cult enablers/followers have spent the better part of the last few days either mostly ignoring the event (the Stable Genius, probably reacting to Joe Biden’s eloquent address, did tweet some notes of remorse on Thursday morning,) creating an alternative fictitious timeline which falsely praises his handling of the public health emergency (while also refusing to release economic forecasts,) or launching Twitter diversions like accusing Joe Scarborough (the lawyer who handles that libel suit is looking at a potentially nice payday) of murder or threatening to shut down Twitter for pointing out his tweets on mail-in balloting were lies.
The segment of the  American People who watch Fox News or think Donald Trump’s word is gospel deserves better than this blatant attempt to minimize the importance of the Coronavirus and disinform its viewers.
The people should pay attention to reputable news sites like those depicted in the below chart:
There are several reputable right of center news outlets like the Wall Street Journal or the Hill where true conservatives can find reliable journalistic accounts of today’s events.
The people, during this public health emergency, should also pay attention, to reliable COVID-19 related sites that make informed projections on the progress of the virus, testing, and fatalities.
For example, please click here to access the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation out of the University of Washington and funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.
Readers will find it interesting that Arizona will not peak until about June 2.
Or click on a similar site on the New York Times page or CNN.
Hopefully, when the Fox-Trump disciples see people around staying home from work because it is not safe to go there or God forbid, becoming ill with the virus, they will stop drinking the science-denying fringe social media Kool-Aid and leave the Trump Zone and Fox Island and join the rest of society in the true reality.
Please remember:
  • Primary Election Day is on August 4, 2020, and General Election Day is on November 3. 2020.
  • Register/sign up for the Permanent Early Voting List (PEVL) in Arizona or any state that allows early or absentee balloting and mail. Arizona residents can sign up at
  • Arizona residents, mail your General Election ballot by October 28, 2020, for the November 3, 2020 election.
  • Check-in with the Secretary of State’s office where you live to verify your mail-in ballot was received, processed, verified, and counted.
  • Know the voter ID requirements in your state.
  • If you can, support Clean Election Candidates with a small contribution.
  • Also, please remember to stay informed on all the candidates and vote for all the offices on the ballot.
  • Also, remember to research all the ballot initiatives, sign to get them on the ballot if you support the measure, and vote on them as well.

Check Out this Brilliant Anti Mitch McConnell Ad by the Lincoln Project

The Lincoln Project knows how to make excellent Anti Republican Ads.
Of course, a group made up of former Republicans would probably know the best way to create them.
This time the ad targets Senate Majority Leader, Enemy of the People, and Political Prince of Darkness  Moscow Mitch McConnell.
This one minute segment is brilliant and ingenious.
Not because it does not focus on Obstructionist Mitch McConnell’s blockage of progressive legislation and liberal-minded judges (including Supreme Court nominee Merrick Garland or his throwing the Constitution out the door during the Trump Impeachment Senate Trial.
It is effective because it portrays McConnell as a Senator out to enrich himself while sacrificing the people of Kentucky. They even brand him RichMitch which is just as catchy as Moscow Mitch.
The ad shows that while RichMitch McConnell, in his 35 years in Washington DC has amassed a fortune of about $34,000,000, Kentucky is 40th in the nation in job opportunity, 45th in education, and 43rd in healthcare.
The ad concludes that McConnell will do nothing if he wins reelection other than further enriching himself.
This is brilliant because it shows the people of Kentucky that Mitch McConnell, for the last 35 years, has not been a public servant working to improve conditions for Kentuckians. He has only improved the lives of himself and his wealthy patrons.
RichMitch must go.
Please see the video of the Lincoln Project Ad by clicking on the link below.

The Family of George Floyd deserves Justice

The tragic unnecessary death of George Floyd is the latest in a long line of police brutality injustices against African Americans.
Warning: The below video in the link may contain footage inappropriate for younger viewers.
There is no justification for the police officer, who had three fellow law enforcement policemen beside him to back him up in case Mr. Floyd was violent (the video segments show he was not,) to press his knee on Mr. Floyd, suffocating him to death as the prisoner could be heard begging him to let go because he could not breathe.
Firing these four from the police force is not enough.
The officer who suffocated Mr. Floyd needs to be charged with either (depending on the local criminal code) manslaughter or murder. So do the other three policemen who stood by and did nothing.
The F.B.I. and the Justice Department should press federal civil rights violation charges and any other criminal citation this horrific event provides for.
The Mayor of Minneapolis, Jacob Frey, has called for charges to be filed.
Democratic Presumptive Nominee Joe Biden, during a virtual meeting with Pennsylvania Governor Tom Wolf, condemned what the police officers did, saying:
“…it is a tragic reminder that this was not an isolated incident, but part of an ingrained systemic cycle of injustice that still exits in this country. It cuts at the very heart of our sacred belief that all Americans are equal in rights and dignity…” 
Biden has also called for more action to be taken against these four men, including a  federal Justice Department investigation:
“…to ensure that the Floyd Family receives the justice they’re entitled to and as a nation, you know as well as I-you know better than I-we have to work relentlessly to eradicate these systematic failures that inflict so much damage on not just one family, one community, but on the people of color all across this nation. And I don’t think we can move forward unless we take aggressive action to rip out the insidious race-based inequalities that corrupt every part of our society.”
Even Donald Trump, in a rare bout of Presidential sanity, tweeted a virtual echo of what Biden said hours earlier (perhaps because he was told what the former Vice President stated,) calling for a federal investigation and justice for the Floyd family.
This is 2020. This is not the deep South of the pre Civil Rights Era. These acts of racist violence should not still be happening and festering in our country.
The family of George Floyd deserves justice as do all the families across the nation who watched loved ones die just because of the color of their skin.
That justice can not be served by violent rioting and destruction of the property of innocent business owners who had nothing to do with Mr. Floyd’s death.
We, as a people that believe in equality and justice for all, should send a united message to the scum that commits these horrific acts that their days are numbered, their criminal acts will be punished, and they will spend the rest of their miserable lives rotting in prison.
We should also continually promote an inclusive, color blind, and equitable society where no one is afraid to walk along a street or cringe when a police car drives close to them or worry about whether or not they belong.

Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Joe Biden shows the Nation how a President should be a Consoler in Chief

With the nation, unfortunately, crossing the threshold of 100,000 fatalities due to the Coronavirus, Joe Biden delivered a short address to the American People, expressing condolences and attempting to comfort grieving families and friends who have lost loved ones.

Speaking from the heart and experience (remember he has lost one wife, daughter, and son in his lifetime,) the former Vice President struck the right empathetic (and authentic)  note in addressing the people that have lost family and friends that:
“I think I know what you’re feeling. You feel like you’re being sucked into a black hole in the middle of your chest. It’s suffocating. Your heart is broken and there’s nothing but a feeling of emptiness right now….With the pain, anger, and frustration, you will wonder whether or not you’ll ever be able to get anywhere from here.”
After reminding the people that Mr. Trump’s inactions likely increased the number of deaths from the Coronavirus, Mr. Biden segued to a reassuring tone, telling the grief-stricken viewers that:
“To all of you hurting so badly, I’m so sorry for your loss. I know there’s nothing I or anyone else can to say or do to dull the sharpness of the pain you feel right now, but I can promise you from experience, the day will come when the memory of your loved one will bring a smile to your lips before it brings a tear to your eyes. My prayer for all of you is that day will come sooner rather than later. But I promise you it will come and when it does, you know you can make it. God bless each and every one of you and the blessed memory of the one you lost. This nation grieves with you. Take some solace with the fact that we all grieve with you.”
Donald Trump should take notes because this is how a President is supposed to act and behave. The people want a leader and consoler, not a Mad King who tweets insults about opponents, baseless conspiracy murder theories about morning news hosts, and threats about shutting down social media platforms like Twitter because they dared to fact check your lies. 
They need a President that acts like the one Joe Biden showed everyone in his two-minute address today.

Biden projects leadership in CNN interview; calls Donald Trump a Fool for Not Wearing Masks and Risking American Lives

(Please see images and videos by clicking on the link below)
To wear a mask or not wear a mask should not even be a question in Joe Biden or anyone else who does not live on Fox Island or the Trump Zone, minds.
On the Biden campaigns Facebook Page, they changed the former Vice President’s side photo to one with him wearing a mask:
Mr. Trump and some in his orbit (like his press secretary) have criticized the presumptive Democratic Nominee of wearing a mask outside while not wearing one at home (Yeah they really said that.) When a reporter asked the maskless Trump to respond to why he was being critical of his likely 2020 opponent, the Liar in Chief accused the reporter of being “politically correct” for wearing a mask.
Responding to Mr. Trump’s criticism in an interview with CNN’s Dana Bash, Mr. Biden said of the 2016 Popular Vote Loser:
“He’s a Fool. An absolute fool to talk that way. I mean every leading doc (doctor)in the world is saying we should wear a mask in a crowd, especially when you know you’re going to be in an inadvertent position when you’re gonna get closer to twelve feet to somebody….but this macho stuff, a guy….it’s cost people’s lives, it’s costing people’s lives. Like I said, we’re almost at a 100,000 dead today.”
When Bash asked Biden about Mr. Trump “stoking” masks as a “cultural and political flashpoint,” the former Vice President said:
“Sure he is. And it’s stoking death. That’s not gonna increase the likelihood of people being better off.” Earlier in the interview, Mr. Biden chastised the President for not “leading by example.”
The CNN journalist then asked if wearing a mask projected strength or weakness, Mr. Biden responded:
“Leadership. It represents and projects leadership. Presidents are supposed to lead, not engage in folly, and be falsely masculine. It reminds me of the guys I grew up with playing ball. They walk around with a ball in their hand but they didn’t like to hit very much.”
When asked what he would do differently if he was the President right now in terms of handling the virus and the economic fallout for the people, Biden replied:
“I don’t know how you separate the two. If you’re dead, you have no economic wellbeing. Your family has no economic wellbeing. So, first of all, I would listen to the scientists. I would tell the truth..There are ways to reopen certain areas and rationally with distancing, wearing masks, making sure you don’t congregate with too many people in one spot. Making sure you’re in a situation where you don’t spread, you in fact inhibit the spreading of this disease…The President doesn’t seem to be prepared. We should be testing and tracing before we could fully reopen. We should make sure the people have all the protective gear that are needed; the First Responders still do not have all that. We should be in a position where we’re able to make sure …that if he cares about people reopening, start lending money to small businesses, not one more penny to a major corporation. Put people in a position where they don’t have to risk their lives to be able to make a living.
When Bash asked Biden about his age and whether he could handle the rigors of the campaign, the former Vice President said:
“Watch me…..this is a fella (Trump) who looks like he is having trouble controlling his own emotions…. He gets more erratic when he feels he’s behind the curve.”
Joe Biden is not the only one critical of Mr. Trumps position on masks.
Several in his own party have voiced disagreement as well.
According to reporting by news outlets like the Washington Post, Republicans like Ohio Governor Mike DeWine, Michigan Representative Fred Upton, and Texas Senator John Coryn continually urge people to wear masks when necessary.
The Post even shared a video clip of North Dakota Governor Doug Burgham tearfully pleading with the residents of his state to reject the:
“Senseless dividing line (of whether or not to wear a mask.)”
The Governor went on further, saying that the people should:
“Dial-up the empathy and understanding. If someone is wearing a mask, they’re not doing it to represent the political party they’re in or what candidates they support. They might be doing it because they’ve got a five-year-old child who’s been going through cancer treatments. They might have vulnerable adults in their life who currently have COVID and they’re fighting……”
During the interview on CNN, Joe Biden projected leadership and a steady hand. He also conveyed a mastery of detail and health and economic policy.
These attributes are sorely missing in the current occupant of the White House which is very problematic considering the nation and rest of the world are mired in a health pandemic and severe economic downtown.
They are also missing in local candidates like Arizona’s Kelly Townsend who think people should not be told to compromise their freedom by being asked to wear a mask.
Apparently, as Elvia Diaz and EJ Montini expressed in recent columns for AZ Central, this ignorant science-denying hyprocrisy, as Biden and Governor Burgham have pointed out, risks lives.
“Public servants” like Townsend and Trump have no business being in positions where their actions or inactions could harm people.
They need to be voted out.
Please remember:
  • Primary Election Day is on August 4, 2020, and General Election Day is on November 3. 2020.
  • Register/sign up for the Permanent Early Voting List (PEVL) in Arizona or any state that allows early or absentee balloting and mail. Arizona residents can sign up at
  • Arizona residents, mail your General Election ballot by October 28, 2020, for the November 3, 2020 election.
  • Check-in with the Secretary of State’s office where you live to verify your mail-in ballot was received, processed, verified, and counted.
  • Know the voter ID requirements in your state.
  • If you can, support Clean Election Candidates with a small contribution.
  • Also, please remember to stay informed on all the candidates and vote for all the offices on the ballot.
  • Also, remember to research all the ballot initiatives, sign to get them on the ballot if you support the measure, and vote on them as well.

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