Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Joe Biden shows the Nation how a President should be a Consoler in Chief

With the nation, unfortunately, crossing the threshold of 100,000 fatalities due to the Coronavirus, Joe Biden delivered a short address to the American People, expressing condolences and attempting to comfort grieving families and friends who have lost loved ones.

Speaking from the heart and experience (remember he has lost one wife, daughter, and son in his lifetime,) the former Vice President struck the right empathetic (and authentic)  note in addressing the people that have lost family and friends that:
“I think I know what you’re feeling. You feel like you’re being sucked into a black hole in the middle of your chest. It’s suffocating. Your heart is broken and there’s nothing but a feeling of emptiness right now….With the pain, anger, and frustration, you will wonder whether or not you’ll ever be able to get anywhere from here.”
After reminding the people that Mr. Trump’s inactions likely increased the number of deaths from the Coronavirus, Mr. Biden segued to a reassuring tone, telling the grief-stricken viewers that:
“To all of you hurting so badly, I’m so sorry for your loss. I know there’s nothing I or anyone else can to say or do to dull the sharpness of the pain you feel right now, but I can promise you from experience, the day will come when the memory of your loved one will bring a smile to your lips before it brings a tear to your eyes. My prayer for all of you is that day will come sooner rather than later. But I promise you it will come and when it does, you know you can make it. God bless each and every one of you and the blessed memory of the one you lost. This nation grieves with you. Take some solace with the fact that we all grieve with you.”
Donald Trump should take notes because this is how a President is supposed to act and behave. The people want a leader and consoler, not a Mad King who tweets insults about opponents, baseless conspiracy murder theories about morning news hosts, and threats about shutting down social media platforms like Twitter because they dared to fact check your lies. 
They need a President that acts like the one Joe Biden showed everyone in his two-minute address today.

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