Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The American People should not be asked to risk their lives like warriors so Donald Trump can improve his Reelection chances.

While visiting the Honeywell plant in Phoenix, a maskless Donald Trump (along with his team) and masked Arizona delegation (led by Governor Doug Ducey) were treated to various musical numbers on the plant loudspeaker. Among them were God Bless America, Eye of the Tiger, and the Guns and Roses version of the Paul McCartney James Bond song “Live and Let Die.”

For commentators, it does not get any better than that to describe the coincidence (maybe) of that song playing while more state leaders (both Democrat and Republican) including Governor Ducey are following the examples of Georgia, Colorado, and Florida and starting to ease Stay at Home guidelines in varying phases despite the facts that no state, including Arizona, has:
  • Had a decline in Coronavirus cases for 14 days straight.
  • An adequate supply of testing equipment for a substantial part of their population.
Some of these states, including Arizona, have not peaked in COVID 19 cases yet.
Many scientists warn that reopening too soon may cause a large influx in Coronavirus illnesses and make the socio-economic situation worse than anticipated.
Despite that, the White House announced (and Trump later backtracked) that the Coronavirus task force would disband by Memorial Day.

In Arizona, Governor Ducey and his team told the specialists at Arizona State University and University of Arizona that they no longer needed to create models of COVID-19 progress.


Dr. Randy Friese, a State Representative from Legislative District Nine in the Tucson area wonders why. He tweeted after hearing Governor Ducey’s announcement to reopen salons and restaurants this coming weekend:

“Downward trajectory of +tests?? With 1,000 new cases this weekend? That’s a 14% increase in 48hrs. If that’s downward we are in the #UpsideDown and #StrangerThings are in our future. We are only fooling ourselves. #COVID will not be fooled. We have not yet met criteria 
Is putting people in harm’s way to improve quarterly bottom lines and possibly one’s election prospects more important than a high body count?
Republicans  may want to make the song “Live and Let Die” their new battle cry along with reworking the credited Patrick Henry quote to “Give me Liberty, Death, and the Almighty Dollar.”
This potentially cavalier attitude towards preserving life has been encapsulated by formerNew Jersey Governor Chris Christie who commented on a podcast with Dana Bash that an increase in people dying of the Coronavirus during the county reopening is similar to those soldiers who sacrificed their lives for the American way of life during World War Two.
Soldiers dying to save the country from Fascism is on the same level as Starbucks needing to improve their profit margin for the second quarter.
I do not think so.
The Stable Genius, while in Phoenix, commented:
“Will some people be affected? Yes. Will some people be affected badly? Yes. But we have to get our country open and we have to get it open soon.”
The country needs a leader who puts lives first instead of a nation’s G.D.P. or job creation numbers.
Everyone wants life to return to normal.
Unfortunately, the data in testing and decline in cases is not there to justify a decision to reopen on a large scale, especially when it will be difficult to monitor every beach, salon, restaurant, or store to ensure they are following social distance guidelines.
Difficult as it is, being cautious and waiting for the data is more prudent than prematurely reopening and risking more lives.
Actually taking steps (on a national level in coordination with the states) to make sure everyone is tested and safe is more advisable than to ask people to chance to go to sit in McDonald’s and pray the person ordering next to them is not ill.
If New Zealand can do it, why not the United States?
The American People should not be asked to risk their lives like warriors so Donald Trump can fight this virus on the cheap and improve his Reelection chances.
That is repulsive.
Please remember to:
Turn out and vote.
Register/sign up for the Permanent Early Voting List (PEVL) in Arizona or any state that allows early or absentee balloting and mail. Arizona residents can sign up at
Arizona residents, mail your General Election ballot by October 28, 2020, for the November 3, 2020 election.
Check-in with the Secretary of State’s office where you live to verify your mail-in ballot was received, processed, verified, and counted.
Know the voter ID requirements in your state.
If you can, support Clean Election Candidates with a small contribution.
Also, please remember to stay informed on all the candidates (including the county nominees) and vote for all the offices on the ballot. Also, remember to research all the ballot initiatives and vote on them as well.
Remember Election Day is on November 3. 2020.

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