Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Joe Biden hits it out of the ballpark at a Press Conference covering Recent Events

Trump Zone and Fox Island Residents who had delusions that Joe Biden was a frail elderly gentleman were sorely disappointed this afternoon as the former Vice President and 2020 Democratic Presidential Nominee demonstrated a mastery of the issues and exhibited a Presidential demeanor at a press conference in Delaware today.

The last question actually dealt with cognitive ability and if he had been tested for cognitive decline.

Mr. Biden ably dismissed the questions premise saying:

"I've been tested and been constantly tested. Look, all you gotta do is watch me and I can hardly wait to compare my cognitive capability to the cognitive capability of the man I'm running against."

The former Vice President also took questions on a variety of other topics. They are discussed below.

Russian Bounties on American Soldiers:

Biden said that Congress needs to get the facts and Trump is "not cognizant" of world events. Biden further said that:

The President should have said on day one what is happening.
He should have contacted the Joint Chiefs for preventive measures to protect troops.
Should have called Putin to get him to desist.
The idea that he (Trump) was not briefed is a dereliction of duty. if he was briefed (and did nothing,) that's a dereliction of duty.
The President has to answer questions about this quickly. If he knew and did nothing about this, then the "public should conclude that this man isn't fit to be President of the United States of America."
On a second question, if Trump violated his oath of office in this instance, Biden said it depends on "what he did and what he knew...I can not see how he did not know about so many things over the last three years."

Where the Presidential race stands?:

Biden called the 2020 race the "most unusual campaign and I am going to follow the doc's orders. I am not going to be holding rallies. There will be social distancing and people will be wearing masks at events like this. I would much rather be with the people....but they tell me 200 million people have watched what I've done from home... I don't want to jinx myself...I know the polling data is good but it's really early...I think we have a whole lot of work to do...I can hardly wait (for debates against Mr. Trump.)"

In a later question, he committed to three debates against Trump.

Removing of statues and renaming of buildings:

Biden maintained that any institution can change a name if they want to, saying "there is a distinction of reminders of history and recovering from history."

He added that comparing Founding Fathers like Washington and Jefferson to Confederate Political and Military Leaders/Traitors is wrong. Confederate statues belong in museums. Others like the Jefferson Memorial or statues to Columbus should be protected.

in a later question, he said the best way to remove statutes through a peaceful legislative process like they did in Mississippi with the Confederate flag.

Has he been tested for the Coronavirus?

No, he has not because "I (Biden) have had no symptoms and I have not wanted to take anybody's place in the process." His secret service and staff are tested.

What would you do about Putin?

Biden would not publicly commit to any actions but he did relay that "the idea that he can interfere here or Europe will not continue in my administration including U.N. condemnation and sanctions."

Supreme Court and Vice President Nominees:

"We are putting together a list of African American women who are qualified to serve on the Supreme Court. I am not going to release that (a list) until they are properly vetted." He expanded that to say he is not going to release a list of potential Vice Presidential nominees. He plans to announce the Vice Presidential nominee in early August. He would not guarantee to announce on August 1, 2020. On a later question, if the Vice Presidential nominee should have a background in national security and foreign policy, Mr. Biden said it would be better if the person had "an expertise in an area he did not have." The nominee needs to have the "intellectual capacity, the temperament, and the leadership qualities" that lead one to believe they would be ready to assume the Presidency.

Coronavirus increases in Delaware and across the country:

"Every day I get a briefing on what is happening across the country." He mostly spoke about the local situation in Delaware.

Response to Pandemic: How we are going to get the people in the country on the same page?

"It is to lower the rhetoric based on division. Stop appealing to the less healthy side of society." Biden also suggested Trump stop tweeting support for people shouting for White Supremacy. "We need to appeal to the better side of human nature" in wearing masks so people can be protected from infections. "It's called patriotism. it's called responsibility. It's called making sure you look out for the other person." He criticized Mr. Trump's self-centered obsession with himself and avoiding personal accountability. "It's not about I. It's about us and I think changing the tone of an administration across the board, allowing scientists to speak, making sure people understand the facts, good, bad, or indifferent, and when a mistake is made, you say I made a mistake....I think all those things change the atmosphere...The words of a President matter...It's about the tone and it goes across the board. We have to do that (bring the country together)... We should be talking to our better angels...You have a moral obligation (to wear masks)

People who support Mr. Biden's campaign can take great comfort in his performance with the press today.

When was any time Trump supporters could say that about their candidate?

In their latest powerful ad, the Lincoln Project doubles down on asserting Donald Trump is either a spineless Putin Lackey or Traitor

The Lincoln Project does not disappoint.

Their digital ads (along with the progressive-leaning groups like Priorities USA) should be a case study for most Democratic-affiliated organizations on how to produce powerful gut-wrenching presentations that accurately depict the apparent faults in political opponents.

Their latest ad, called "Betrayed" is no exception.

It presents Dr. Dan Barkhuff, 2001 Navy Academy Graduate and former Navy Seal who is currently an emergency room physician who is the founder of Veterans for Responsible Leadership. 

He states that he is a pro-life gun owner.

In the ad, Dr. Barkhuff condemns Donald Trump for not acting on the intelligence that the Russians put bounties on American soldiers fighting in Afghanistan.

He said with pictures of Trump chatting with Putin or playing golf in the background:

"Any Commander in Chief with a spine would be stomping the living s..t of some Russians right now, diplomatically, economically, or if necessary, with the sort of asymmetric warfare they're using to send our kids home in body bags."

"Mr. Trump, you're either a coward who can't stand up to an ex KGB goon or you're complicit. Which is it?"

"Donald Trump is unfit to be our Commander in Chief and that's worse than useless...I can see Trump for what he truly is, a coward. We need to send this draft dodger back to his golf courses. The lives of our troops depend on it."

This damning ad, along with recent revelations by Generals Jim Mattis and John Kelly,  reinforces how out of step Donald Trump is with the codes of military conduct and honor as well as human decency.

When was the last time in modern memory a Republican President did not have the wholehearted support of the military establishment?

Editorial Posters courtesy of World War Zero

Sunday, June 28, 2020

In its latest Digital Ad "Debt," the Lincoln Project condemns Trump for Sacrificing the Surviving Members of the Greatest Generation

There are very few remaining members of the "Greatest Generation" that are still alive today.

These people, the ones who were born between 1901 and 1927, were the ones who sacrificed and fought to save the world from Fascist Totalitarianism in World War Two.

They, because of their age and health, are also the people most susceptible to the spread of the Coronavirus.

Donald Trump should be mindful of that when he asks the country to reopen and ignore the dangers of the Coronavirus.

The members of the Lincoln Project feel that way as well.

In their latest digital ad called "Debt," the group recounts the heroism and brave acts that Generation performed to create the post World War Two World.

it then shifts to Donald Trump, at the Press Briefing podium, saying:

"America will again soon be open for business. We cannot let the cure be worse than the problem itself. We're not gonna let the cure be worse than the problem."

The picture then shifts to an elderly person, on life support (presumably from the Coronavirus,) in a hospital, with the ad narrator saying:

"Haven't we asked enough of the greatest generation?"

Indeed we have and they should not be asked to sacrifice themselves again.

More Proof Fox Island Brainwashes its Trump Zone Viewers

Originally reported by Margaret Sullivan of the Washington Post, a new study released by Harvard University has found that people who rely on Fox News and other fringe media like Rush Limbaugh, Breitbart News, One, America News, or The Drudge Report more often believe that:

The Chinese Government created the Coronavirus.
The CDC exaggerated the dangers of the pandemic.
Vitamin C will make COVID 19 go away.

This greatly contrasts with the people who rely on either mainstream media (ABC News, CBS News, or NBC News) and more liberal sources (like MSNBC, Bill Maher, or Huffington Post.)

It should be noted that those who receive their news from mainstream sources surprisingly had a larger share of its viewership express the scary belief that the United States Government created the Coronavirus.

Outside of that outlier, it should not be astonishing that Trump Zone residents who regularly get their news from Fox Island and these other fringe sources have been brainwashed into having these perspectives.

Consider Mr. Trump just had a town hall with Sean Hannity last week. The subject of the Coronavirus and the surge over the last three weeks in states like Florida, Texas, Arizona, and California did not surface in the event.

What subjects were discussed?

Trump's nonanswers on his greatest accomplishments and what he would do in a second term.
How traitor Michael Flynn was poorly treated and how Barack Obama is guilty of treason.
How bad Jeff Sessions was as Attorney General.
Law and Order and stamping down peaceful protestors.

Is it any wonder that the people that watch these shows have been brainwashed to what the science-denying Chief Executive Liar is spewing like miracle drugs to fight COVID 19 that do not regularly work or testing is overrated.

Trump feels he could win those people no matter what that he retweets a post on Sunday morning (June 28, 2020) where people are clearly chanting "white power." of course, the 2016 KKK Endorsed Candidate thinks those individuals chanting are "great people."

People need to be steered to more reliable forms of news. Please click on the below chart to find which media sources are more reliable than others.

Editorial Cartoons collected by Blog for Arizona Part Two

Editorial Cartoons collected by Blog for Arizona Part One

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