Sunday, June 7, 2020

The Lincoln Project Shows Trump is no Mattis or Eisenhower or Lincoln

With the 76th anniversary of D Day this weekend, the Lincoln Project released a series of video ads designed to show that Donald Trump is no match for the bravery of General James Mattis, the responsibility of Dwight Eisenhower, and the wisdom of Abraham Lincoln.

The first ad, titled "Mattis", first compares General and former Defense Secretary  Mattis's bravery and leadership to Trumps, pointing to the General's service in the military, whereas Mr. Trump claimed a deferral due to bone spurs, and his ability to face adversity while the 2016 Popular Vote Loser hid in a White House Bunker.

It then points out that General Mattis, in quotes he gave to the Atlantic, defends the Constitution, the rights of people to protest, and condemns Mr. Trump's policy of divisiveness and using the Bible as a prop.

The ad concludes with the question: "Who do you trust: the coward or the commander?" 

Please see the video below:

The second video, appropriately titled "Leadership", shows how General Eisenhower prepared to take responsibility for the failure of D-Day should the landings on Normandy have not gone well.

The narrator in the ad points out that:

"Great leaders prepare for every eventuality. They hope for the best but they prepare for the worst."

The video then shifts from Eisenhower prepared to take all the blame for a potential D-Day landing to Mr. Trump not taking any responsibility for the reaction to the pandemic or personnel moves.

The narrator then asks: "Isn't it time America turns to a different kind of leadership."

Please see the second video below:

The final video, with alternating scenes of a closeup of the Lincoln Memorial and the protests, titled "Steps," invokes the wisdom of Abraham Lincoln who is credited with saying:

"Before entering upon so grave a matter as the destruction of our national fabric with all its benefits, its memories, and its hopes, would it not be wise to ascertain precisely why we do it. Will, you risk the commission of so fearful a mistake"

The ad concludes with the words "November is Coming."

This final ad, utilizing the words of Lincoln, chastise Mr. Trump for his reckless divisive acts during the protests in the aftermath of the murder by police of George Floyd.

Please see the video below:

Hopefully, the American People will realize that Donald Trump is no Mattis, Eisenhower, or Lincoln.

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