Sunday, June 28, 2020

More Proof Fox Island Brainwashes its Trump Zone Viewers

Originally reported by Margaret Sullivan of the Washington Post, a new study released by Harvard University has found that people who rely on Fox News and other fringe media like Rush Limbaugh, Breitbart News, One, America News, or The Drudge Report more often believe that:

The Chinese Government created the Coronavirus.
The CDC exaggerated the dangers of the pandemic.
Vitamin C will make COVID 19 go away.

This greatly contrasts with the people who rely on either mainstream media (ABC News, CBS News, or NBC News) and more liberal sources (like MSNBC, Bill Maher, or Huffington Post.)

It should be noted that those who receive their news from mainstream sources surprisingly had a larger share of its viewership express the scary belief that the United States Government created the Coronavirus.

Outside of that outlier, it should not be astonishing that Trump Zone residents who regularly get their news from Fox Island and these other fringe sources have been brainwashed into having these perspectives.

Consider Mr. Trump just had a town hall with Sean Hannity last week. The subject of the Coronavirus and the surge over the last three weeks in states like Florida, Texas, Arizona, and California did not surface in the event.

What subjects were discussed?

Trump's nonanswers on his greatest accomplishments and what he would do in a second term.
How traitor Michael Flynn was poorly treated and how Barack Obama is guilty of treason.
How bad Jeff Sessions was as Attorney General.
Law and Order and stamping down peaceful protestors.

Is it any wonder that the people that watch these shows have been brainwashed to what the science-denying Chief Executive Liar is spewing like miracle drugs to fight COVID 19 that do not regularly work or testing is overrated.

Trump feels he could win those people no matter what that he retweets a post on Sunday morning (June 28, 2020) where people are clearly chanting "white power." of course, the 2016 KKK Endorsed Candidate thinks those individuals chanting are "great people."

People need to be steered to more reliable forms of news. Please click on the below chart to find which media sources are more reliable than others.

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