Friday, June 5, 2020

Biden blasts Trump on latest Jobs Report and calls for an America based on "Justice, Opportunity, and Hope"


“Botched his response to the pandemic”

“Still doesn’t get it”

“The Depth of this Job Crisis is not attributable to an Act of God, but to a failure of a President.”

“Complete incompetence and mismanagement of the(Coronavirus) response”

“Did not act quickly enough.”

“Was more focused on the stock wealth of the biggest corporations then he was on the wellbeing of the American People.”

“He’s just patting himself in the back.”

“He has no idea in my view what’s really going on in this country.”

“Oblivious to the human toll of his indifference”

“It’s time for him to step out of his own bunker, take a look at the consequences of his words and actions.”

“A President who takes no responsibility for costing millions and millions of Americans their jobs deserves no credit when a fraction of them return.”

“Rewarding wealth over work”

“Tweeting transition to greatness won’t solve anything.”

Those were the major critiques former Vice President and 2020 Presumptive Democratic Presidential Nominee Joe Biden hurled at Donald Trump following the 2016 Popular Vote Losers cringing victory lap this morning at a White House News Conference where he took no questions.

Mr. Trump took credit for the positive jobs report and dared to say that George Floyd, the murdered victim of police brutality, would be happy, saying:

"Hopefully, George is looking down and saying this is a great thing that's happening for our country. (It's) a great day for him. It's a great day for everybody,"

How is being dead a great day for George Floyd?

Joe Biden, who wisely waited for after Mr. Trump to make his remarks, immediately blasted the Stable Genius for his Rose Garden comments, calling him "despicable" for invoking Mr. Floyd in his statements.

The former Vice President then proceeded to point out that all the ills of the country (the pandemic, the highest unemployment since the Great Depression, the protests in the street) could be traced to the incompetence and gross mismanagement of the actions and inactions of the current occupant in the White House.

The full video of Vice President Biden's address is below.

Refuting the Stable Genius

Mr. Biden forcefully challenged Mr. Trump's conception of reality, noting that:
  • The unemployment went up for African Americans and Hispanics last month.
  • While temporary layoffs went down, permanent ones went up.
  • People are losing their health care.
  • All of the job gains since the Great Recession are gone.
  • His inaction at the beginning of the Coronavirus emergency caused more deaths and job losses.
  • "America (the United States) has four percent of the world's population but more than a quarter of the world’s deaths."
  • “Now after 110,000 American deaths, more than 20 million people still out of work, the consequences are clear; We're still facing devasting unemployment; We’re still facing a devastating health crisis; And the continuing crisis of violence, injustice, and indignity that devastating Black Americans and many Latinos. We’re losing the soul of this country."
In his address, the former Vice President told the people Trump has forgotten about:

“So (to) all those families who are scared, who are frightened, or who are hurting, or are wondering what’s gonna happen next, I want you to know I and a lot of others see you, we haven’t forgotten you, and I won’t be satisfied until this country starts working for everyone."

Calling for an America based on "Justice, Opportunity, and Hope."

Saying "the middle class built this country. That's who I fight for," the presumptive Democratic Presidential Nominee laid out a vision for what his forthcoming economic program would contain.
The plan is based on the themes of "Justice, Opportunity, and Hope," and presents a choice to the people on:

"...What kind of country do we want to be? What kind of economy do we want, and who will it serve?" 

According to Biden, this job-creating program to rebuild and better America would be “anchored” in:
  • Small business investment.
  • Trillions of Dollars in Infrastructure
  • "Investing in Innovation, Manufacturing, and Caregiving, and rewiring the faulty structures of our economy to ensure that dignity and equality for all American workers"
  • Monies to combat the Coronavirus through more testing and tracing "so society can confidently function again and jobs can safely return to small businesses."
  • "Restoring the dignity to the American People by growing wages and leveling the playing field and creates tens of millions of good-paying jobs to build a better American future."
Mr. Biden concluded his remarks by stating:

“Americans need an economy that works for them and they need it now.”
“They need jobs that bring them dignity and they need it now.”
“They need equal justice and equal opportunity now.”
“They need a President that cares about them and cares about helping them heal now.”
“I have faith in the American People. We give them half chance; there is nothing they can’t do. We need to unite as one nation. When we have, we’ve never ever ever failed t solve the problems facing us at the moment.

Again, the American People saw the two men running to be the President on January 20, 2021, appear one after the other today.

It should not be difficult to tell which candidate was the more decent, knowledgable, caring, honest, and Presidential.

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