Sunday, June 14, 2020

In new ad, the Biden campaign calls Trump "Too Weak to Lead"

The Biden campaign's latest virtual ad is a damning indictment of Donald Trump.

It essentially calls him a coward.

The ad, called "Too Weak to Lead." paints a harsh critique of Mr. Trump's leadership during the protests following the police murder of George Floyd.

The video shows peaceful marchers (some of whom are getting tear-gassed) and less than flattering pictures of the 2016 Popular Vote Loser.

The script proceeds as follows.

"Too scared to face the people."

"Too weak to lead."

"The nation marches for justice and like a deer, in the headlights, he’s paralyzed with fear."

"He doesn’t know what to do so he hides in his bunker."

"Then he’s afraid he looks too weak so he has tear gas and flash grenades used on peaceful protestors just for a photo op (with an upside-down Bible.)"

"The cries for justice grow."

"Where is Donald Trump?"

"Too Scared to Face the People"

"Too Small to Meet the Moment."

"Too Weak to Lead."

Remember the good old days (pre-2016) when religious zealots on the fringe right would have had a stroke if any candidate (like Barack Obama or Hillary Clinton) had posed for a picture holding any Bible the wrong way. Hypocrisy at its finest.

Please click to see the whole video below.

It very accurately depicts what most people already know about Donald Trump and most other bullies.

“Haters and bullies are always cowards, you know. They like to pick on little guys.”
— Scylar Tyberius

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