Monday, June 8, 2020

The Polls look good for Joe Biden and Mark Kelly; Do not get Cocky

Most Democratic operatives including those on the Joe Biden and Mark Kelly campaigns are probably very happy with recent polls that have been released in the last week.

These polls (please click on the Real Clear Politics June 8, 2020 compilation here) show the former Vice President with a commanding lead over the 2016 Popular Vote Loser.

This has been capped off by a CNN poll that shows Mr. Biden leading the 2016 KKK endorsed candidate by a 14 point margin.

Similar polls (click here) show Captain Mark Kelly with similar momentum in his Senate Race against Senator Martha McSally.

Even a Fox News Poll has Kelly up 13 over the Arizona Republican.

Trump is dragging everyone down

The CNN poll shows Mr. Trump with a 38 percent approval rating.

This result stems from his poor handling of the Coronavirus and the protestors following the police murder of George Floyd.

Most people apparently did not approve of the Stable Genius clearing peaceful protestors with tear gas so he could stage a photo op with an upside-down Bible.

To put the President of Betrayal's current approval numbers in historical perspective, Jimmy Carter and George H.W. Bush had approval ratings in this area at the same time five months before the 1980 and 1992 elections.

Everyone knows how those elections worked out for them.

Biden's numbers are better at this time than Hillary Clintons in 2016 and remember she did win the popular vote by almost three million votes.

According to CNN and Newsweek, Biden is leading on virtually every issue except the economy (HOW.)

Martha McSally, in order to keep the Republican base in line, has tethered herself to Donald Trump. That may not be a winning strategy with Independents or Republicans that belong to groups like the Lincoln Project (who have already run an ad against her. Please see below.)

There is a growing fear among Republicans that Trump will cost them the White House and the Senate.

Do not get Cocky

While Democrats obviously prefer the position they are in now five months before the election than the Republicans probably do, history shows that people still need to work hard to get the voters out on November 3, 2020.

There is still time for Republicans to turn their fortunes around.

McSally could, as Robert Robb mentioned in a recent column, strive to reinvent herself (doubtful but possible.)

Bidens lead could evaporate. It has happened before.

Just ask President Thomas Dewey or President Michael Dukakis or President Hillary Clinton.

All three of these candidates were heavily favored to become President after their parties convention until a combination of candidate missteps and a campaign complacency-cockiness set in that allowed their opponents (Presidents Harry Truman, George H.W. Bush, and Donald Trump) to come back and achieve victory.

Democrats, Independents, and Anti Trump supporters should realize that this is a fight for every vote and nothing can be taken for granted.

Just ask Michael Dukakis if he has hindsight about his reaction to the Willie Horton ad.

Ask Hillary Clinton if she now thinks she should have spent more personal time in Pennsylvania, Michigan, or Wisconsin?

Ask Barack Obama if he should have made the Russian Interference in the 2016 campaign despite Mitch McConnell's threats.

The Trump team, with their only talent for lies and deceit, will stop at nothing to tear down Joe Biden. Donald Trump has already been impeached for attempting to do just that and he and his cultist enablers will not stop.

People need to stay vigilant and not grow complacent. Despite Hillary Clinton's perceived shortcomings as a candidate (although hindsight shows that the majority who voted for her were right,) people who stayed home either because they thought she was going to win anyway or they did not like her need to turn out this time along with everyone else that wants to fight for the soul and direction of the country.

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