Sunday, July 30, 2017

This Week In Incompetence Review

What a week of government incompetence.

First, the President continued his ill-advised attacks on twitter against Republican Senators who were against Trumpcare, his own attorney general, and acting F.B.I. director for being weak, not stopping the Russian investigation, and not investigating Hillary Clinton, and the President of China for not being strong on North Korea.

Second, the President using twitter again to ban transgenders from the military and lying about saying he had consulted with the military causing the Joint Chiefs leaders to reply and say that they needed guidance from the Oval Office before implementing this ban.

Third, The Presidents new communication director (not on the payroll yet) gave fairly bombastic interviews which resulted in the ouster (undignified) of the Chief of Staff, Rance Priebus. In a sane world, Priebus (don't feel sorry for him) would still be there and the new communication director would be gone. Not in this reality.

Fourth, Science deniers, fossil fuel lobbyists, and ultra conservatives are filling the science literate positions at EPA, the interior, and the State Department. A bad risk for our country that these positions are being filled by individuals whose heads are in the sand with regards to scientific reality.

Fifth, The President delivering self-serving, ideological (bordering on fascist), and frankly small minded speeches to both the Boy Scouts and law enforcement officials which were disavowed by leaders of those organizations.

Finally, the Republican fanatical zeal to pass any version of repealing and replacing Obamacare no matter how many people were hurt is an insult to the purpose of public service, specifically to serve and help people and move the country forward.

This was one bad week for competence. Let us hope people finally start to wake up from this delusion of how to run things and alter course.

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