Wednesday, April 29, 2020

What does Moscow Mitch have against Aid to the States and Infrastructure Spending when Kentucky is one of the Leading Recipients of Federal Aid

Kentucky, depending on which study is cited, is among the top states that take in more money in federal aid than it pays out in taxes.
Governor Andrew Cuomo brought that up last week when Political Prince of Darkness-Enemy of the People-Obstructionist in Chief-Legislative Grim Reaper-Moscow Mitch McConnell, Kentucky’s senior Senator, and Senate Majority Leader announced his reluctance to give additional federal monies to states and local governments crippled by the Coronavirus.
Why can not the other 49 states get the same consideration to combat the Coronavirus Mitch as Kentucky gets every year to balance its budget?
As Blog readers know, Mr. McConnell, the person who stole Obama’s last Supreme Court pick and blocked revelations of Russian interference in the 2016 Election, suggested that the states file bankruptcy. Some of his aides openly declared that the great majority of the states requesting aid were the Blue States.
Those are the same blue states, like New York, that provide federal aid for welfare states like Kentucky so they can survive.
That argument about how Kentucky is a welfare state, and the backlash from Democrats and Republicans, apparently does not move the Political Prince of Darkness and Enemy of the People who went a step further on April 28, 2020, by telling his Republican Senators in a phone call to oppose any spending for infrastructure projects that come from the Democrats and Donald Trump.
Apparently, Mr. McConnell who has no problem with blue state aid to Kentucky, tax cuts for billionaires, and corporate favoritism carve-outs in the first Coronavirus stimulus bills thinks aid to the states and rebuilding the nation’s infrastructure (which Trump wants) is too much for the national debt to sustain.
During the phone call, McConnell reportedly said:
We need to keep the White House in the box……The Democrats and the White House both need to get the message (that infrastructure spending will not happen.)”
Cities and States across the country run by Republicans and Democrats, as published in an April 29, 2020 article in the Washington Post, have already begun to furlough, lay off, or stop hiring personnel. Budgets are quickly going into the red.
For example, Pennsylvania which is run by Democratic Governor Tom Wolf has been forced to furlough some of its workers.
Another example is Ohio which is led by Republican Mike DeWine who has instituted a hiring freeze.
Virtually all of the states are suffering from a loss in sales and income tax revenue.
Arizona epitomizes what is happening in most of the country.
In a letter to Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin, Phoenix Mayor Kate Gallego and the City Council wrote a letter requesting latitude on how to spend the CARES Act Stimulus funds so they could use some of the proceeds for revenue shortfalls so the city could “survive the crisis and ensure we are able to spur the economic recovery thereafter.”
Last week, Tucson Mayor Regina Romero made similar observations in a press statement which read in part:
“Without flexibility in how we can use these funds, I am concerned that we will have millions of dollars that will be sitting idly that could otherwise be used to maintain critical city services. Our city budget is under enormous strain which is why it is critical that any federal package includes additional support for local governments that are on the frontlines of fighting this pandemic.”
Governor Doug Ducey is among many State Governors from both parties, that have, per the Arizona Mirror, expressed interest in getting additional federal aid like block grants.
Senator Kyrsten Sinema called for Congress to fund more in state and local government assistance.
Her fellow Arizonan Senator, Martha McSally, apparently heard McConnell’s message and has not said anything publicly about helping Arizona or the other 49 states.
States and Local Governments need funding so vital services like law enforcement, public safety, education, housing, and Medicaid can be protected.
Other areas that Democrats want to fund and safeguard include:
  • Increased access to health care for those who were affected by the virus.
  • Workplace protections and hazard pay for essential workers.
  • Expanded unemployment insurance.
  • Voting by Mail.
The nation also needs to revamp its infrastructure and bring it into the Twenty-First Century.
It is astounding that none of this seems to phase Political Prince of Darkness-Enemy of the People Mitch McConnell. As a recent article in Vox illustrates, this albatross of public service, more committed to putting reactionary judges on the federal bench and getting protections for businesses at the expense of the American worker (in exchange for aid to the states,)  is consistently insensitive to the needs of the American People and moving the country forward.
It is equally breathtaking that this person who has risen to the position of Senate Majority Leader, a representative of a state that depends on the tax revenues of blue states to balance its budget, would rather see this nation’s infrastructure crumble (even when the President of his own party wants to supposedly do more) to dust and the American people suffer rather than spend one dime on doing anything about it.
If Kentucky can always get help from the Federal Government, why not the other 49 states when there is an emergency? 
Mitch McConnell is a person that is a danger to the American Dream. Most would agree it is just as important to defeat McConnell in November along with Trump. It may even be more essential to beat him than Trump. Even if the Democrats regain control of the Senate, having McConnell as a Minority Leader obstructing the nation’s business would be a hindrance to the Republic.
He needs to be defeated and retired out of politics this November.
Democrats need to retake the Senate. Candidates like Arizona Senate Candidate Captain Mark Kelly can help with that.
Democrats also need to be mindful of the Republican obstruction McConnell led during the Obama years and adopt Senate rules that would prohibit him or any successor from doing that again.
Please remember to:
Register/sign up for the Permanent Early Voting List (PEVL) in Arizona or any state that allows early or absentee balloting and mail. Arizona residents can sign up at:
Arizona residents, mail your General Election ballot by October 28, 2020, for the November 3, 2020 election.
Check-in with the Secretary of State’s office where you live to verify your mail-in ballot was received, processed, verified, and counted.
Know the voter ID requirements in your state.
If you can, support Clean Election Candidates with a small contribution.
Also, please remember to stay informed on all the candidates and vote for all the offices on the ballot.
Remember Election Day is 188 days away on November 3. 2020.

Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Hillary Endorses Joe

This afternoon, in a virtual town hall sponsored by the Biden campaign dealing with the impact of the Coronavirus on Women, 2016 Presidential Popular Vote Winner Hillary Clinton appeared with presumptive 2020 Presumptive Democratic Presidential Nominee former Vice President Joe Biden and endorsed him.
Please click here to see the whole event.
While many topics related to women were discussed like equal pay, essential labor, domestic violence, childcare, the right to choose, the former Secretary of State and Vice President discussed other issues such as:
  • Mr. Trump’s handling of the Coronavirus (his denying of the science and divisiveness.)
  • Rebuilding America.
  • The current President’s character and his apparent inattention to detail as evidenced by the recent Washington Post report that relayed that Mr. Trump did not react to the many warnings from the Intelligence Community (as well as others) with regards to the Coronavirus.
The exchange between the two Democratic leaders seemed very amicable and friendly. The former Vice President and Secretary of State both commented on how this virtual town hall was very reminiscent of the Tuesday breakfasts they used to share in the first term of the Obama Administration.
Mr. Biden went further, reminding viewers that Mrs. Clinton was the person that won the 2016 Popular Vote, that she would have handled the Coronavirus better than Mr. Trump and that he wished (okay, he may not be totally honest here) he were campaigning for Mrs. Clinton reelection right now because of what the Stable Genius has done to the country.
Watching Mrs. Clinton does make one wonder what might have been if Jim Comey had not reopened the email investigation two weeks before the election or if several thousand people in critical swing states did not switch from supporting Obama to either staying home or voting for Trump or Jill Stein.
This makes it more important to turn out in 2020.
Please remember to:
Register/sign up for the Permanent Early Voting List (PEVL) in Arizona or any state that allows early or absentee balloting and mail. Arizona residents can sign up at:
Arizona residents, mail your General Election ballot by October 28, 2020, for the November 3, 2020 election.
Check-in with the Secretary of State’s office where you live to verify your mail-in ballot was received, processed, verified, and counted.
Know the voter ID requirements in your state.
If you can, support Clean Election Candidates with a small contribution.
Also, please remember to stay informed on all the candidates and vote for all the offices on the ballot.
Remember Election Day is 189 days away on November 3. 2020.

If Elected, Joe Biden will have to Create a Team that will Govern

In the increasing likelihood Joe Biden becomes President of the United States on January 20, 2021, he will not be short on examples of what and what not to do when taking charge of the country.
Twentieth-Century United States History provides two such examples from Democratic Presidents.  Margaret McMillan’s 1919, Roberta Strauss Feuerlich’s America’s Reign of Terror David Fromkin’s In the Time of the Americans are highly recommended historical works that delve into these Presidencies more in-depth.
When the United States entered World War One in 1917, President Woodrow Wilson, a leader who, like his fellow KKK fan currently occupying the White House, thought he was God’s Gift for the times, pursued reactionary policies that would make George W. Bush and Donald Trump envious. His Administration enacted legislation like the Espionage Act of 1917 and the Sedition Act of 1918 that put anti-war critics such as Socialist Presidential Candidate Eugene Debbs in jail. He created an early form of Fox Island, the propaganda machine called the Committee on Public Information that did not exactly promote truth at all costs.
He also pursued a partisan leadership structure in the war. He did not include any leading Republicans of the day in either his Administration nor invite any to be part of his delegation to the Peace Conferences in France in 1919.
He also took a take it or leave it to approach to ratifying the Treaty of Versailles (which included United States membership in the League of Nations) in the Senate. The Senate, in Republican hands, ultimately decided to leave it.
If Trump read history, one could say he learned from Wilson’s example.
Franklin Roosevelt, who served in the Wilson Administration as an Undersecretary of the Navy, did withness and learn from Wilson’s missteps.
In the leadup to World War Two, Roosevelt recruited both leading Democrats and Republicans (Henry Stimson and William Bill Donovan) to serve in his Administration’s fight against Fascism.
While not all of Roosevelts policies, like his internment of Japanese American citizens, were right or insightful, his bipartisan outreach helped pave the way for the Postwar order that included the United States joining the United Nations.
That is mostly the historical example Biden should follow along with the experience of what worked well in the Obama Administration (including its reaction to the Ebola pandemic and other public health emergencies.)
Biden should pick a bipartisan progressive-minded team, starting with his Vice President (you can include Senator Tammy Baldwin and Atlanta Mayor Keisha Lance Bottoms to the list of Veepstakes contenders) that will be ready to govern and make up for the reactionary states take the lead and pay the bill approach of the Trump Administration and its allies.
Writers like Thomas Friedman of the New York Times and Brent Budowsky of The Hill have already penned articles, envisioning this approach and the potential recruits Biden, if he wins in November, should select to serve in his Administration.
A Bipartisan Administration dedicated to healing partisan wounds, enacting forward legislation in health care, infrastructure, and green energy, and moving the country forward is exactly the cure the country needs from the Coronavirus of American Politics otherwise known as the Trump Administration.
Please remember to:
Register/sign up for the Permanent Early Voting List (PEVL) in Arizona or any state that allows early or absentee balloting and mail. Arizona residents can sign up at:
Arizona residents, mail your General Election ballot by October 28, 2020, for the November 3, 2020 election.
Check-in with the Secretary of State’s office where you live to verify your mail-in ballot was received, processed, verified, and counted.
Know the voter ID requirements in your state.
If you can, support Clean Election Candidates with a small contribution.
Remember Election Day is 189 days away on November 3. 2020.

Thursday, April 23, 2020

Boys and Girls: Do not listen to Dr. Death who is Masquerading as the President of the United States

This a public health announcement for people who do think everything Donald Trump says is the gospel.
Do not listen to the medical prescriptions and suggestions of Dr. Death masquerading as the President of the United States.
First, he said people had nothing to lose with the anti-malaria drug Hydroxychloroquine.
It turns out that the initial tests on that drug have not yielded the miracle results Mr. Trump and his surrogates on Fox Island said they would and they have, probably for fear of lawsuits, stopped talking about it.
Then yesterday, Mr. Trump said at the White House briefing that the Coronavirus might disappear by the fall. Dr. Anthony Fauci promptly refuted that at the same briefing only moments later.
Today, the Stable Genius said that injecting disinfectant into a Coronavirus patient’s body, along with direct exposure to sunlight (like the Star Trek episode) could clear the virus out of an infected persons system.
Please click here to see Dr. Deborah Birx’s horrified expression to Trump in real-time as he made that “medical” suggestion.
It is more priceless than a Mastercard commercial.
With performances like the last couple of days, Joe Biden should not have to open his mouth until giving his victory speech on November 3. 2020.
Just so everyone is clear. People should not follow Mr. Trump’s “medical” advice at home.
He does not know what he is talking about. Listen to the actual experts that know what they are talking about.
You will live longer and remain healthier.

Donald Trump is not going to let a little thing like the Coronavirus get in the way on his War on Science

The last 48 hours have fully displayed the public Jekyll and Hyde sides of Donald Trump and his war on science during the Coronavirus.

Unfortunately for the American People, Mr. Hyde is the dominant persona in this horror story.
Now this war on science has been going on for the duration of the virus and other areas that require scientific thought and understanding (ask the Climate Scientists.)
When this virus first surfaced, Mr. Trump’s science-denying Hyde persona appeared most often as demonstrated by his calling the pandemic a hoax and that it would go away soon. It also manifested itself with his assertions about opening up the country by Easter, saying he is doing a terrific job, contending that no one could have foreseen what would happen, firing health officials who called attention to the dangers of the Coronavirus and encouraging Trump Zone-Fox Island-Disinfowar residents to protest.
The Jekyll side has appeared more sporadically (generally in public after being pushed by the real experts to act humane for small finite intervals) when he declared a National Emergency, activated parts of the Defense Production Act, and the few times he has commented on the loss of life.
The American People have seen more examples of his Hyde side over the last 48 hours with the firing (transfer) of Dr. Richard Bright, the director of the Biomedical Advanced Research and a Development Authority and Deputy Assistant Secretary of Health and Human Services.
Dr. Bright, who is filing a whistleblower complaint, stated that his “transfer” was because he resisted calls from Trump’s political allies to spend resources on “miracle drugs” that had little chance of successfully helping patients with the Coronavirus.
Incidentally, the Stable Genius and his Fox Allies, after seeing the reports showing hydroxychloroquine testing not working out well, have not mentioned the treatment as much. Shame on them for moving people to take this unreliable drug. They should get sued.
When asked about the “transfer” of Dr. Bright, the Liar in Chief said he did not hear about it.
That is the same line he used when questioned why he disbanded the National Security Task Force that handled pandemics.
He is either lying again (probably) or this country is in worse trouble than the people realize with fringe rogue operators pulling the strings of government according to their reactionary fact averse science-denying ideologies.
Mr. Trump’s Jekyll and Hyde appeared at the April 22 press briefing.
True to form, The Jekyll side was there for only a few brief moments when, again after being pushed by the experts that know what they are talking about, he said that the reopening of parts of Georgia’s economy (how is getting tattoos essential) was ill-advised.
The rest of the briefing was all Hyde as the Stable Genius tried to get Center for Disease Control Director Dr. Robert Redfield to publicly walk back comments he made to the Washington Post about the severity of the Coronavirus returning with next years flu season. That worked for about two minutes until Redfield said at the briefing room podium that he was quoted accurately.
Trump then repeatedly tried to get Doctors Deborah Birx and Anthony Fauci to go along with his suggestion that the Coronavirus might go away and disappear by the fall.
Birx tried to finesse a response to that.
Fauci just said the Virus is not going away.
Please see the link to the whole press briefing below to witness the event 
An excellent piece by the writers of the Washington Post that reveals the “tightrope” the scientific and medical experts have to walk to serve the science-denying Trump while working to protect the American People can be accessed here.
Donald Trump, in order to keep his fringe know nothing base appeased, is not going to let a little thing like the Coronavirus get in the way on his Wars on Science, reality, or the truth.
These briefings, which most people recognize as glorified lying pep rallies to the gullible residents of the Trump Zone, Fox Island, and Disinfo Wars, serve only one public good.
They show the people that do not belong to the cult of Trump how bad he is as a President.
That will help Joe Biden and Democrats in the fall and hopefully, Mr. Trump will take both his Jekyll and Hyde personas into retirement at Mara Largo.

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