Thursday, April 23, 2020

Donald Trump is not going to let a little thing like the Coronavirus get in the way on his War on Science

The last 48 hours have fully displayed the public Jekyll and Hyde sides of Donald Trump and his war on science during the Coronavirus.

Unfortunately for the American People, Mr. Hyde is the dominant persona in this horror story.
Now this war on science has been going on for the duration of the virus and other areas that require scientific thought and understanding (ask the Climate Scientists.)
When this virus first surfaced, Mr. Trump’s science-denying Hyde persona appeared most often as demonstrated by his calling the pandemic a hoax and that it would go away soon. It also manifested itself with his assertions about opening up the country by Easter, saying he is doing a terrific job, contending that no one could have foreseen what would happen, firing health officials who called attention to the dangers of the Coronavirus and encouraging Trump Zone-Fox Island-Disinfowar residents to protest.
The Jekyll side has appeared more sporadically (generally in public after being pushed by the real experts to act humane for small finite intervals) when he declared a National Emergency, activated parts of the Defense Production Act, and the few times he has commented on the loss of life.
The American People have seen more examples of his Hyde side over the last 48 hours with the firing (transfer) of Dr. Richard Bright, the director of the Biomedical Advanced Research and a Development Authority and Deputy Assistant Secretary of Health and Human Services.
Dr. Bright, who is filing a whistleblower complaint, stated that his “transfer” was because he resisted calls from Trump’s political allies to spend resources on “miracle drugs” that had little chance of successfully helping patients with the Coronavirus.
Incidentally, the Stable Genius and his Fox Allies, after seeing the reports showing hydroxychloroquine testing not working out well, have not mentioned the treatment as much. Shame on them for moving people to take this unreliable drug. They should get sued.
When asked about the “transfer” of Dr. Bright, the Liar in Chief said he did not hear about it.
That is the same line he used when questioned why he disbanded the National Security Task Force that handled pandemics.
He is either lying again (probably) or this country is in worse trouble than the people realize with fringe rogue operators pulling the strings of government according to their reactionary fact averse science-denying ideologies.
Mr. Trump’s Jekyll and Hyde appeared at the April 22 press briefing.
True to form, The Jekyll side was there for only a few brief moments when, again after being pushed by the experts that know what they are talking about, he said that the reopening of parts of Georgia’s economy (how is getting tattoos essential) was ill-advised.
The rest of the briefing was all Hyde as the Stable Genius tried to get Center for Disease Control Director Dr. Robert Redfield to publicly walk back comments he made to the Washington Post about the severity of the Coronavirus returning with next years flu season. That worked for about two minutes until Redfield said at the briefing room podium that he was quoted accurately.
Trump then repeatedly tried to get Doctors Deborah Birx and Anthony Fauci to go along with his suggestion that the Coronavirus might go away and disappear by the fall.
Birx tried to finesse a response to that.
Fauci just said the Virus is not going away.
Please see the link to the whole press briefing below to witness the event 
An excellent piece by the writers of the Washington Post that reveals the “tightrope” the scientific and medical experts have to walk to serve the science-denying Trump while working to protect the American People can be accessed here.
Donald Trump, in order to keep his fringe know nothing base appeased, is not going to let a little thing like the Coronavirus get in the way on his Wars on Science, reality, or the truth.
These briefings, which most people recognize as glorified lying pep rallies to the gullible residents of the Trump Zone, Fox Island, and Disinfo Wars, serve only one public good.
They show the people that do not belong to the cult of Trump how bad he is as a President.
That will help Joe Biden and Democrats in the fall and hopefully, Mr. Trump will take both his Jekyll and Hyde personas into retirement at Mara Largo.

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