Friday, July 31, 2020
The Lincoln Project Tells Trump "We Will Vote"
The Lincoln Project is the best and among the most effective rapid response ad machine, Anti Trump forces have in 2020.
They have demonstrated this again with the latest ad "We Will Vote."
In the ad, the narrator immediately points out that Donald Trump is a "failed President" because of his mishandling of COVID 19 and the economy, later saying his acts "threaten the fabric of our Democracy."
It then condemns Trump's response to delay the 2020 election because "he can't win."
The narrator then reminded viewers that the American People have voted "during wars, the Great Depression, and during civil unrest."
He then emphasized that people "have died, marched, were beaten and brutalized" for "our right to vote."
The ad concludes with:
"Donald Trump, here's the message. We will vote. We will defend America. We will throw you and your failed cronies out of office. The choice: America or Trump."
Election Day (November 3, 2020) is 95 days away.
Please remember:
- Primary Election Day is on August 4, 2020, and General Election Day is on November 3. 2020. Please see the below graphic for all-important voting dates.
- Please check your voter registration at vote.
- Register/sign up for the Permanent Early Voting List (PEVL) in Arizona or any state that allows early or absentee balloting and mail. Arizona residents can sign up at vote.
- Arizona residents, mail your General Election ballot by October 28, 2020, for the November 3, 2020 election. With recent issues with the Post Office, you should consider mailing them out by October 23, 2020.
- Check-in with the Secretary of State’s office where you live to verify your mail-in ballot was received, processed, verified, and counted.
- Know the voter ID requirements in your state.
- If you can, support Clean Election Candidates with a small contribution.
- Also, please remember to stay informed on all the candidates and vote for all the offices on the ballot.
- Also, remember to research all the ballot initiatives, sign to get them on the ballot if you support the measure, and vote on them as well.
Thursday, July 30, 2020
The Lincoln Project tells Republicans to "Wake Up" in their Latest Ad
In perhaps their funniest ad, the Lincoln Project released a six-minute digital video called "Wake Up."
In the scene, a comatose patient wakes up three and a half years into the Trump Presidency and becomes increasingly horrified as he finds out how much the President of Betrayal has destroyed the country while his family makes excuses for him.
The video ends with the comatose patient pulling the life support plug on himself with his family having no clue what he has done.
The narrator ends the ad, saying "Republicans...we need to wake up. This guy was in a comma. What's your excuse?"
This is a must-watch.
November 3, 2020, is 96 days away.
The Case for Vice President Janet Napolitano
With Joe Biden expected to announce his Vice Presidential Nominee next week, a name that had surfaced in the spring through various media outlets such as the Atlantic has come up again in an article in Vox Media:
Former Arizona Governor and Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano.
It is actually wrong that this writer did not include her in the last piece on potential Vice Presidential Candidates.
Napolitano would definitely be an informed and wise pick for Joe Biden. She has:
- Domestic Policy and Governing experience as a twice-elected Governor of Arizona with a strong pragmatic progressive record.
- National Security experience as Barack Obama's first Homeland Security Secretary.
- A former Arizona Attorney General.
- A President of the University of California University System (a post she just left.)
If selected as Bidens Vice Presidential Nominee, she would be a skilled campaigner, an experienced and knowledgable debater against Mike Pence, and more importantly, ready to be President on Day One.
She would also probably bring Arizona into the Democratic orbit and solidify the rest of the Southwest for the Biden Campaign.
Voters will know next week who Joe Biden wants to be the next person a heartbeat away from the Presidency.
Janet Napolitano would be a wise choice.
November 3, 2020, is 96 days away.
On a day when the Nation lays to rest a Civil Rights Icon, the 2016 Popular Vote Loser suggests Delaying the 2020 Elections
In a morning tweet (what else,) Mr. Trump posted:
Furthermore, while the country honored the legacy of John Lewis, the Chief Executive Demagogue boasted that he had done away with Obama Era Fair Housing Policies in the suburbs.
What an ass but I digress.
The readers need to be reassured. Trump can dream about delaying the elections but he can not. He does not have the power to do so.
People should also be asking Individual One why he thinks it safe to reopen schools that have a 180 to a 200-day instructional calendar and not safe to have an election on November 3, 2020.
This country has held duly scheduled elections during the Civil War, great economic upheavals, World War One, the Influenza Pandemic, World War Two, and the chaos that was 1968.
There is no reason the elections on November 3, 2020, can not take place.
Trump is also peddling the bull fecal matter that there will be a widespread vote by mail fraud and claims absentee balloting is different (it is not.)
Many states like Colorado, Utah, Oregon, Arizona, California, and Washington have had extensive or total mail-in balloting for decades with little to no instances of voter fraud.
This is a time where mail-in options should be increased and encouraged, not falsely slandered.
Also, for the people who do prefer to vote in person, public servants in the 50 states should expand early voting opportunities, locations, and hours to reduce congested voter traffic.
Even Arizona's Doug Ducey, in a narrow executive order on July 22, expanded polling locations in "state-owned assets."
Ducey still should have made it possible, as EJ Montini wrote in one of his columns, to have an all mail-in election.
On a day that the nation honors and lays to rest the Civil Rights Icon and Esteemed Public Servant John Lewis, the people should be discussing expanding voter rights and access not taking them away like the President of Betrayal proposes.
November 3, 2020, is 96 days away.
Wednesday, July 29, 2020
Arizona Leaders React to Joe Biden’s Agenda Promoting Equality for Women
This 23-page plan (please click here to read it in its entirety,) acknowledges that:
“Women — particularly women of color — have never had a fair shot to get ahead in this country. Today, too many women are struggling to make ends meet and support their families and are worried about the economic future for their children.”
Stating that “his daughter is entitled to the same rights and opportunities as his sons… Biden will pursue an aggressive and comprehensive plan to further women’s economic and physical security and ensure that women can fully exercise their civil rights.”
What is in Biden’s plan to Promote Equality for Women?
The components of the plan include helping women:
- “Improve economic security.”
- “Expand health care access and tackle health inequities.”
- “Navigate work and families.”
- “End violence against them.”
- “Protect and empower them around the world.”
- “Pass the Equal Rights Amendment.”
- “Enforcing equal pay for men and women.”
- “The ability to organize unions and collectively bargain easily.”
- “Address harassment and discrimination in the workplace.”
- “Provide increased safety on college campuses.”
- “Increased opportunities for STEM careers.”
- “Eliminate the tipped minimum wage.”
- “Reducing maternal mortality.”
- “Uphold Roe V Wade and fully fund Planned Parenthood.”
- “Access high quality and affordable childcare.”
- “Paid Family Leave.”
- “Reauthorize the Violence Against Woman’s Act.”
- “Increase Visas for Domestic Violence Survivors.”
Several leading Arizona state legislators advanced their support for the 2020 Democratic Presidential Nominees agenda for women.
Arizona State Senator Victoria Steele, in a statement released by the Arizona Democratic Party, said:

"For the past four years, Donald Trump’s utter contempt for women’s fundamental rights has been on full display. Trump promised time and again that he would ‘do more for women than anybody else,’ but over the course of his presidency, Trump has done nothing but wage relentless attacks on women’s rights, from spiking our health care costs and gutting protections for preexisting conditions to blocking equal pay for equal work and hiking our taxes. Now, Trump’s failed coronavirus response is hitting women particularly hard, threatening our health, our safety, and our paychecks. Arizona women deserve better than Trump’s record of broken promises, and that’s why we’ll throw him out of office come November and elect Joe Biden as President.”
Another State Senator, Rebecca Rios, wrote:

“Joe Biden’s new Women’s Agenda is the perfect answer to the last four years under Donald Trump. Joe knows how critical these issues are to working families because he’s been on the frontlines of these fights for decades, including passing the Violence Against Women Act and the Lilly Ledbetter Equal Pay Act. I’m proud to stand with Joe Biden in fighting for the issues that matter most to women around Arizona and America.”
State Representative Kelli Butler relayed:

“Joe Biden knows that every issue is a women’s issue — health care, the economy, education, national security — and that our daughters deserve every right that our sons have. We need a President who recognizes that when women succeed, Arizona succeeds too. From investing in women-owned small businesses to expanding our access to higher education and job training opportunities, I know that Joe Biden will fight with us for a more equal country for all of us.”
Moving Forward
The Biden Campaign cited statistics from the National Women’s Law Center to justify their plans to promote equality for women.
Some points people need to consider moving forward.
- 13.3 percent of women in Arizona live in poverty. The national number is 12.0 percent. 33.4 percent of women who head households in Arizona are impoverished. The national percentage is 33.8. About ten percent (9.4) of elderly women in Arizona live in poverty. The national figure is 11.1 percent.
- Arizona women make 84 cents for every dollar a white man makes. The national number is 82 cents. The numbers are worse for African American (66 cents Arizona and 62 cents nationwide) and Latina (55 cents and 51 cents) women.
- 13.2 percent of women aged 19 to 54 are medically uninsured in Arizona. The national number is 11.9 percent.
If voters want to move from the Trump agenda of breaking promise after promise to women on a variety of topics like health and child care, then they should select Joe Biden and his unannounced Woman Vice Presidential choice 97 days from now on November 3, 2020.
Tuesday, July 28, 2020
Joe Biden takes questions from Reporters after unveiling the Fourth Phase of his Build Back Better Plan
On the President instigating violence, accusing Biden on being soft on crime, and what the former Vice President would do if he was in charge now.
Mr. Biden immediately said that "I'd be using local police like we did when we were in office."
He also made clear that "Arsonists should be held accountable. People carrying guns should be held accountable. People engaged in criminal activity should be held accountable."
He also mocked Trump's "bizarre" campaign ads in a failed attempt to come up with a Law and Order campaign and "scare the devil out of the American People."
The former Vice President also condemned and made fun of Mr. Trump for staging a photo op with an upside-down Bible (a book Biden wondered how much the Chief Executive Demagogue reads) using the American military to clear the crowd forcing the Joint Chiefs Chairperson to apologize.
Biden called the photo-op an "attempt to divide the country." on the same day Mississippi took down its Confederate Flag.
"So far, thank God, the American People aren't having any of that," the Nominee said.
On his economic plans compared to the reality of his primary opponents.
The former Vice President maintained that his economic programs, given the cost and feasibility (shifting tax and spending priorities within the existing fiscal framework) is more realistic than up to 32 trillion dollar proposals that have no chance of getting passed.
Mr. Biden also said that the government is the only one capable of funding infrastructure projects and organizing industrial policy like "owning the electrical vehicle market."
Finally, he contended that the Democrats have a good chance of taking back the United States Senate.
Are you running as the candidate not Trump or as Joe Biden?
After reminding the audience of the detailed plans he is "laying out," Mr. Biden said, "I'm running because Donald Trump is the President and I think our Democracy is at stake for real."
The Presidential nominee recognized that the voters feel he is the "antithesis to Trump."
He then reaffirmed that he was running to restore "basic decency and restore the soul of America."
Furthermore, Biden said he is running to restore the middle class because it is "getting crushed" and "working-class folks were hurting badly."
Finally, he said he wanted to be President to "unite America," saying "if you can't unite America, we're gone...."
The former Vice President, commenting on the polls, pointed out that the people "know me, warts and all."
He also said, that compared to Trump, he knows:
- "a fair amount about American Foreign Policy."
- "How to bring people together in Congress and Politically."
- "Laid out the most detailed modern history."
He also said he would campaign for candidates in states he may not necessarily win because it is important to "build a bench."
On the Miami Marlins having to suspend their season and how sports leagues are dealing with COVID 19 and schools reopening.
Biden reminded the audience that he has laid out his school reopening plan (please click here to read the article.) He said that schools should not reopen in high Coronavirus areas and much financial investment needs to be made to ensure schools are safe to reopen.
He mocked the President by saying it was Republicans, not health concerns for the people, that pressured Mr. Trump to not have the convention in Jacksonville.
Saying Trump "should let the scientists speak" and "this is about expertise, this is about transparency and we've got to make it available to the American People," the Presidential Nominee proposed a system where businesses post notices that they have met all the safety standards.
On the sports leagues, he said: "they should follow the science" and have restricted travel (like in basketball) because quarantining (12 days) would be necessary if they had to journey across state lines.
"When you have to travel, when you have to be in hotels or places that are different to where you have been the day before. When you are in a position where you are going into an area where there is a high concentration of the spread of COVID, all those things add up to a real problem and I don't feel we're going to overcome that until we follow the signs and get a vaccine."
Biden finished by saying Trump needs to have someone organizing the distribution of the vaccine now when the medication is ready.
To see the full conference, please click on the video link below. The question and answer session start at about the 39-minute mark.
After Joe Biden answered questions for reporters, Donald Trump responded to White House journalists after his scripted briefing.
While the news (if accurate) about Kodak manufacturing generic drugs in Rochester, New York is welcome, Mr. Trump supporting the views of a conspiracy loving physician who has embraced hydroxychloroquine as a cure for COVID 19 should make the American People pause and confirm in their minds when looking at both candidates, who is better able rely on the science and lead the nation in this pandemic and economic emergency.
Please remember November 3, 2020, is in 98 days.
Check out the Lincoln Project's "Memories" and the Biden Campaigns "Arianna" Ads
The first one, the Lincoln Project's "Memories" shows the lost opportunities for people to make new life sharing memories such as:
- Birthdays.
- Quality time with friends.
- Romance.
- Homecoming.
- Graduation.
- Living the American Dream.
- The passing of a loved one.
"We have suffered needlessly because Trump is a fool, a liar, and a failure. Most countries stopped it. Trump refused. It's Trump's virus now, and before it's over, a million of us could die. What we've lost reminds us of the stakes this November. It truly is a choice: America or Trump."
The second ad from the Biden Campaign called "Arianna," shows 2020 Democratic Presidential Nominee Joe Biden and former President Barack Obama reaching out to a young organizer (Arianna) who discussed the needs of her local community (specifically fully supplying and staffing food shelters during the pandemic.)
Arianna is a Volunteer for Joe. Nineteen years old (the same age as Biden's granddaughter and Obama's daughter,) both Biden and Obama thanked her for her service at such a young age.
This ad is an effective demonstration of the Biden team reaching out to the younger voting-age population.
The odds are viewers will not see Mr. Trump reaching out to young activists working to make sure people are food secure.
November 3 is 98 days away.
Take me out to the Ballgame has a new Meaning for the Liar in Chief
It should not be surprising that Donald Trump would take any opportunity to upstage Dr. Anthony Fauci.
Remember this is the "man" who pouted and lashed out when a teenage environmental activist Greta Thunberg was chosen as the 2019 Time Person of the Year.
This is also the Chief Executive Demagogue that decided to resume Coronavirus briefings by himself because he feared the scientists like Dr. Fauci would overshadow him, and more importantly, refute his real-time lies and misstatements.
Now that the Liar in Chief has totally resumed his disinformation and science-denying ways (including wanting states to reopen again, minimizing the importance of masks, and accusing Dr. Fauci of misinforming the country,) it has been revealed that the Mad King, in his insecure desire to upstage Fauci, apparently made up an invitation to throw out the first pitch at an August 15 baseball game at Yankee Stadium.
Apparently annoyed that Dr. Fauci was asked to throw out the first pitch of the Washington National-New York Yankees Thursday game, Trump told reporters in the White House Briefing room that day that he had been invited to throw out the first pitch at Yankee Stadium on August 15.
That was news to the New York Yankees who had no idea what Mr. Trump was talking about.
Imagine how Trump would have reacted if it was he, instead of Fauci, invited to the Nationals-Yankees game and he would have had to personally see both teams kneel during the National Anthem. The dark possibilities are endless.

After the Yankees organization had to endure condemnation for the phantom invitation, the Stable Genius decided to cancel the illusionary appearance, tweeting:
“Because of my strong focus on the China Virus, including scheduled meetings on Vaccines, our economy and much else, I won’t be able to be in New York to throw out the opening pitch for the @Yankees on August 15,” Mr. Trump wrote on Twitter on Sunday, using a racist name for the coronavirus. “We will make it later in the season!”
Yeah, his strong focus by playing golf with people like Lindsey Graham and Brett Favre.
Take me out to the Ballgame has a new meaning for the Liar in Chief.
Voters should show him the true meaning on November 3, 2020, so he could spend his time at the ballpark and golf course as much as he likes after January 20, 2021.
Joe Biden thanks the late John McCain for his No Vote on Repealing the ACA three years ago
Imagine how worse the Coronavirus spread would be in the United States if the late Senator John McCain had not voted against the repeal of the Affordable Care Act in 2017.
With no viable replacement plan (remember when the Liar in Chief said he would have a health care plan that was better and cheaper than the ACA), the repeal of the ACA (Obamacare) would have potentially pushed well over 30,000,000 people off their marketplace or Medicaid health insurance plans.
With the emergence of COVID 19, one could speculate what would have happened with these 30,000,000 people who no longer could afford to go to a doctor to be examined or wait until symptoms became so severe that they would only then resort to going to emergency room care.
More deaths, in addition to the already close to the 150,000 in the nation, would probably have been the reality.
So would the more extensive cratering of the economy had the ACA been repealed.
John McCain's vote in 2017 saved lives.
Joe Biden thinks so as well.
In a statement released to the public on the third anniversary of McCains (along with Susan Collins and Lisa Murkowski's) historic vote, the Biden Campaign wrote:
"Three years ago today, Senator John McCain voted against repealing the Affordable Care Act (ACA), which is a lifeline for millions of Arizonans, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic. Donald Trump is continuing his aggressive push to repeal the ACA, even as it helps Arizonans and their families have peace of mind that they and their loved ones can get the quality health care they need."
"Repealing the ACA would have disastrous effects for Arizonans. It would leave nearly 2.8 million Arizonans with pre-existing conditions uninsured, force Arizona seniors to pay more for their health care including prescription drugs, and leave tens of thousands of Arizona children uninsured."
"Biden for President Arizona State Director Jessica Mejía released the following statement:"
“As Donald Trump fails to contain the COVID-19 pandemic, the Affordable Care Act has only become more important to Arizona families. Senator McCain knew three years ago what we know for certain today: millions of people across the state rely on this life-saving piece of legislation to give their families the peace of mind that they have access to high-quality, affordable health care. With more than 162,000 COVID-19 cases and more than 3,300 deaths due to the pandemic in Arizona, it’s more clear than ever that we need Joe Biden in the White House to expand and protect access to health care and help keep Arizonans safe.”
With the Trump Administration and his screw the poor-science denying allies actively pursuing the dismantling of the ACA through the courts during a pandemic, the country can not afford another four years of the President of Betrayal.
November 3, 2020, is 98 days from now.
Monday, July 27, 2020
Please check out the Biden Campaign's Tearful New Ad "Didn't Matter"
In the piece, Jessica, from Greenfield Wisconsin, recounts the sudden illness and death (within a week) of her grandmother from the Coronavirus.
She then criticized Mr. Trump for "downplaying" the emergence of COVID 19 and his "lack of leadership and lack of responsibility."
She also feels that "our elderly have not been a priority for this administration and that they don't matter. And I feel like my grandmother didn't matter."
The ad ends with Jessica crying that her grandmother died alone without anyone in the room to personally say goodbye.
How many grandchildren like Jessica across the country no longer can see their grandmother anymore because Donald Trump and his allies at the federal, state, and local level, denied the science and did not take COVID 19 seriously?
This is one more reason to vote 99 days from now on November 3, 2020.
In the Lincoln Project's, "Conservative," "A Vote for Joe Biden is a Vote for Our Constitution"
Saying that while he does not agree with Joe Biden on the issues, Barkhuff recognizes that the former Vice President and himself recognize that "we are a nation of laws and the Constitution is a sacred document."
Stating that protecting the freedoms and some of his friends fought and died for was a "conservative act," Barkhuff criticized Mr. Trump for showing "no respect for the Constitution," citing (with pictures of the chaos Trump has helped bring about in the country) his disrespect for:
- "Freedom of Assembly.
- Due Process.
- State Rights."
- "The Constitution.
- The Rule of Law.
- The American Dream as we've promised it to our children."
"He's the most easily fixable problem in America today. A vote for Joe Biden, in this election, is a vote for our Constitution."
Amen Brother.
Please remember that November 3, 2020, is 99 days away.
Sunday, July 26, 2020
Saying Donald Trump "has quit on you," Joe Biden unveils a $775 Billion Child and Senior Caregiving Build Back Better Plan
Knowing that the country, especially with the COVID 19 Pandemic, is facing a child and senior caregiving crisis, the Nominee laid out a plan, according to a campaign press release to Medium, that would :
- “Expand access to a broad array of long-term services and supports in local settings.”
- “Ensure access to high-quality, affordable childcare and offer universal preschool to three-and four-year old’s.”
- “Build safe, energy-efficient, developmentally appropriate childcare facilities.”
- “Treat caregivers and early childhood educators with respect and dignity.”
What is in the $775 billion plan?
The plan would include provisions for:
- "Increased pay, benefits, options to join a union, training, and career ladders for child and senior care workers.
- Universal Pre K for three and four-year-old’s.
- Offer low-income and middle-class families an up to $8,000 tax credit to help pay for child care.
- Provide access to affordable, high-quality child care on a sliding scale for low-income and middle-class families who would prefer this option over the tax credit for young children.
- Invest in quality child care standards and a well-trained and well-compensated child care workforce.
- Ensure families with school-aged children have expanded access to after-school, weekend, and summer care.
- Invest in child care and other wraparound services at community colleges, so parents don’t have to choose between their own education and their children.
- Make sure more military children have access to the quality child care Department of Defense provides as well as increased access to senior care providers,
- Expand access to dignified care for Senior Citizens and reduce wait times, especially for those on Medicaid.
- Improve caregiving and health outcomes in our nation’s most underserved communities by adding 150,000 community health workers."
Speaking to members of the Colonial Education Program in Delaware, the former Vice President, referencing his own family experiences, eloquently talked of how people need accessible, affordable, and quality child and senior caring facilities to be able to function in today’s society.
He criticized Donald Trump’s mishandling and ignoring of the Coronavirus Pandemic, saying “he’s quit on you and he’s quit on this country.”
In explaining the third phase of the Build Back Better plan, Mr. Biden said:
“Today I’m outlining the third plank in my Build Back Better program, mobilizing a twenty-first-century care and elderly childhood education workforce, to deal with the caregiving crisis….”
“If I’m your president, here’s what I would do. First, let’s start by caring for aging relatives and loved ones with disabilities, helping them live independently. Here’s an example. Right now there are 800,000 people who are eligible for home and community care through Medicaid who has already signed up for it. But they’re waiting for a phone call, phone call back. For some the wait is five years. Five years. My plan makes a bold investment so states can clear the waiting list…”
“Here’s another example. Whether you live in rural North Carolina, central Philadelphia, people of color are economically distressed communities faced punishing health disparities from a system of systemic discrimination… My plan puts to work 150,000 more of these workers in our communities throughout the country. These are the things we can do now.”
“Secondly, we can also make high-quality childcare affordable and accessible. My childcare plan is straightforward, straightforward. Every three and four-year-old child will get access to free high-quality preschool like students have here. And low- and middle-income families won’t spend more than 7% of their income on childcare for children under the age of five. The most hard-pressed working families most would have to spend a dime. Here’s how it works. They can either decide to get up to an $8,000 tax credit for childcare for a middle-class family with a couple of young kids spending 300 bucks a week in childcare, that means an annual savings of $8,000 in their pocket because it’s a tax credit.”
“Third, we expand access to caregiving. We need to pay and support caregivers beyond what they are now. They’re doing God’s work, but home health workers aren’t paid much, they have few benefits. 40% are still on SNAP or Medicaid. So, my plan is direct. It gives caregivers and early childhood educators a much-needed raise. No one should have to work more than one job to make ends meet….”
“The bottom line is that a mobilized caregiving and early education workforce would save families time and money, get their loved ones the care and early childhood education they need, and put more people to work….”
“Just imagine if we can put three million Americans to work in new care and early childhood education and combined with my proposal to provide families with up to 12 weeks of paid family leave and medical leave, we can free up millions more people to join the paid labor force, increasing economic growth, meaning at least two million additional jobs, more economic growth for the nation. This is a fresh, bold way to build a critical part of the labor force and help us recover faster and stronger.”
“As many of you know, I was a single parent for five years after my wife and daughter were killed and my two boys were badly injured. Even though I had a lot more support than a lot of people going through tough times today, it was hard. It was hard. If I didn’t have my mom, my sister, and my brother, I don’t know how I’d been able to afford it. Then six years later when Jill and I got married, I said, how difficult was for her to start her teaching career while being a new mom with two kids in school. We care. Well, actually they weren’t in school yet now that I think about it, we cared for our parents at the end. My dad was months in hospice in our home, same with my mom and our entire family was there for our son Bo when he came home from a year in Iraq with a cancer that wasn’t whether he’d live, it’s just how long he would live.”
To see all of Mr. Biden’s speech, please click on the video link below.
Arizona Reaction to the Biden Plan
Siman Qaasim and Kelley Murphy of the Arizona Children's Action Alliance commented that the Biden Child and Senior Caregiving Plan:
"I would just say that I’m pleased that Vice President Biden has made access and affordability of child care a priority. His proposal recognizes that the child care system is at risk of collapse from the COVID-19 crisis. But more importantly, it isn’t just a short term fix. It includes policy proposals that address longstanding needs in the child care system. We are still reviewing the specifics of the proposal to assess the full impact."
On Friday, July 23, 2020, Legislative District 30 State Representative Raquel Teran hosted a roundtable with three child and senior care workers.
All four agreed with Biden that child and senior care services have been in crisis before COVID 19 and the pandemic seriously worsened an already bad situation.
Representative Teran stated that “workers in the care economy are essential and it is time they were treated like they are.”
Another panelist, Marissa Calderon said “there is no economic growth without childcare. When Arizona’s childcare works, the economy works.”
She also acknowledged that rural districts have been really hit hard and state and federal aid are essential to help these areas. This in her (and virtually everyone else’s) mind should be nonpartisan.
One of the panelists, Itxel Ultreras, a mother in rural Bisbee, sadly reported that childcare options for her children are limited and she is handicapped because she lost all her vacation time at her job because she had the Coronavirus. It is taking a long time to get COVID test results for her daughter. She also said that there are people in Bisbee that are afraid to watch other families’ children.
Another panelist, Lacey Chavira, a senior caregiver, described a very tense atmosphere where she worked where the staff has not been able to take breaks or vacations. She also sadly described how families cannot be physically with their parents or grandparents when they visit. They can only interact with them (and sometimes watch them die) through a glass window.
They all supported the key components of Biden’s Child and Senior Caring Plan including:
- Making Pre K universal.
- Tax Breaks to make child care more affordable.
- Paid Family Leave.
- Better pay and benefits for caregivers.
- Modern caring facilities.
This nation can no longer care for children and the elderly on the cheap.
The time has come for major investments in child and senior care.
Donald Trump, has former Vice President Biden, Representative Teran, and the other panelists said, does not get it.
Joe Biden and his team do.
Remember November 3, 2020, is 100 days away.
Remember to vote and change the country for the better.
From the end of World One until the end of his Fascist government Benito Mussolini used bands of Squadristi (also known as Black Shirts) ...