Tuesday, July 28, 2020

Joe Biden takes questions from Reporters after unveiling the Fourth Phase of his Build Back Better Plan

After unveiling the fourth phase of his Build Back Better Economic Program which dealt with Racial Equity. 2020 Democratic Presidential Nominee and former Vice President Joe Biden took several questions from reporters.

On the President instigating violence, accusing Biden on being soft on crime, and what the former Vice President would do if he was in charge now.

Mr. Biden immediately said that "I'd be using local police like we did when we were in office."

He also made clear that "Arsonists should be held accountable. People carrying guns should be held accountable. People engaged in criminal activity should be held accountable."

He also mocked Trump's "bizarre" campaign ads in a failed attempt to come up with a Law and Order campaign and "scare the devil out of the American People."

The former Vice President also condemned and made fun of Mr. Trump for staging a photo op with an upside-down Bible (a book Biden wondered how much the Chief Executive Demagogue reads) using the American military to clear the crowd forcing the Joint Chiefs Chairperson to apologize.

Biden called the photo-op an "attempt to divide the country." on the same day Mississippi took down its Confederate Flag.

"So far, thank God, the American People aren't having any of that," the Nominee said.

On his economic plans compared to the reality of his primary opponents.

The former Vice President maintained that his economic programs, given the cost and feasibility (shifting tax and spending priorities within the existing fiscal framework) is more realistic than up to 32 trillion dollar proposals that have no chance of getting passed.

Mr. Biden also said that the government is the only one capable of funding infrastructure projects and organizing industrial policy like "owning the electrical vehicle market."

Finally, he contended that the Democrats have a good chance of taking back the United States Senate.

Are you running as the candidate not Trump or as Joe Biden?

After reminding the audience of the detailed plans he is "laying out," Mr. Biden said, "I'm running because Donald Trump is the President and I think our Democracy is at stake for real."

The Presidential nominee recognized that the voters feel he is the "antithesis to Trump."

He then reaffirmed that he was running to restore "basic decency and restore the soul of America."

Furthermore, Biden said he is running to restore the middle class because it is "getting crushed" and "working-class folks were hurting badly."

Finally, he said he wanted to be President to "unite America," saying "if you can't unite America, we're gone...."

The former Vice President, commenting on the polls, pointed out that the people "know me, warts and all."

He also said, that compared to Trump, he knows:
  • "a fair amount about American Foreign Policy."
  • "How to bring people together in Congress and Politically."
  • "Laid out the most detailed plans...in modern history."
Biden finished by saying that his program is the most progressive and it will not hurt the free markets.
He also said he would campaign for candidates in states he may not necessarily win because it is important to "build a bench."

On the Miami Marlins having to suspend their season and how sports leagues are dealing with COVID 19 and schools reopening. 

Biden reminded the audience that he has laid out his school reopening plan (please click here to read the article.) He said that schools should not reopen in high Coronavirus areas and much financial investment needs to be made to ensure schools are safe to reopen.

He mocked the President by saying it was Republicans, not health concerns for the people, that pressured Mr. Trump to not have the convention in Jacksonville.

Saying Trump "should let the scientists speak" and "this is about expertise, this is about transparency and we've got to make it available to the American People," the Presidential Nominee proposed a system where businesses post notices that they have met all the safety standards.

On the sports leagues, he said: "they should follow the science" and have restricted travel (like in basketball) because quarantining (12 days) would be necessary if they had to journey across state lines.

"When you have to travel, when you have to be in hotels or places that are different to where you have been the day before. When you are in a position where you are going into an area where there is a high concentration of the spread of COVID, all those things add up to a real problem and I don't feel we're going to overcome that until we follow the signs and get a vaccine."

Biden finished by saying Trump needs to have someone organizing the distribution of the vaccine now when the medication is ready.

To see the full conference, please click on the video link below. The question and answer session start at about the 39-minute mark.

After Joe Biden answered questions for reporters, Donald Trump responded to White House journalists after his scripted briefing.

While the news (if accurate) about Kodak manufacturing generic drugs in Rochester, New York is welcome, Mr. Trump supporting the views of a conspiracy loving physician who has embraced hydroxychloroquine as a cure for COVID 19 should make the American People pause and confirm in their minds when looking at both candidates, who is better able rely on the science and lead the nation in this pandemic and economic emergency.

Please remember November 3, 2020, is in 98 days.

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