Saturday, July 18, 2020

Jill and Joe Biden outline their Science and Reality based Ideas for Schools to Reopen

Acknowledging that everyone ( including parents, teachers, and students) want schools to reopen educator Jill and 2020 Democratic Presidential Nominee Joe Biden introduced their campaign ideas on how to safely reopen K-12 educational institutions and make the resumption of schooling activities endure.

Please see a video of the Bidens conveying their thoughts below.

Pointing out the Trump (and his allies) idea of  "forcing kids back into the classroom in the areas where the infection rate is going up and remaining high is just plain dangerous" and "it's wrong to endanger educators and students," the Bidens said, "we need a better plan."

They said it has to include:
  • "Getting (Coronavirus) cases down in the community by practicing measures like wearing a mask, following social distance guidelines, ensuring effective testing and tracing, and workers have the protective equipment they need to be safe."
  • "A clear science-based strategy, not mixed messages and ultimatums" that prescribes proper safety conditions like what should the infection rate be or maximum class size or what students should be prioritized in receiving in-person instruction first.
  • The funds needed to make the changes needed to safely reopen like "proper protective equipment, needed ventilation, and broadband technology."
  • "If students need to continue to work remotely, they need to have access to broadband and other technology no matter where they live."
Joe Biden further said that "If I were President, I'd be sending a funding bill to Congress right now on taking care of this...We can not allow the pandemic to exacerbate disparities that already existed in this country. We need a White House that's laser-focused on closing those gaps."

The Bidens finished by thanking all stakeholders for their resiliency and reminded viewers that the former Vice President will champion education causes if he becomes President.

When the Democratic nominee released his $34 billion emergency school funding plan that would "support building upgrades and sanitation protocols ahead of students' return to onsite learning," the campaign issued an accompanying statement that read in part:

"The challenge facing our schools is unprecedented. President Trump has made it much worse. We had a window to get this right. And, Trump blew it." 

"Over a month ago, Biden identified key steps that Donald Trump needed to take to reopen our schools safely. Trump has taken none of them. In fact, he's done the opposite. He has threatened to force schools to reopen for in-person instruction without the basic resources they need to keep students, educators, and communities safe."

Mr. Biden “believes that the decision about when to reopen safely should be made by state, tribal and local officials, based on science and in consultation with communities and tribal governments. It should be made with the safety of students and educators in mind.”

Specifically, Bidens plan would call for:
  • Stemming the tide and reversing the upward direction of the virus.
  • Enact "national safety guidelines" (like the CDC one's Trump and his people are ignoring) and let local officials determine if it is safe to open schools in their community.
  • $30 billion for public schools and child care providers to purchase the safety equipment and tools needed to reopen.
  • $Four billion to "upgrade technology and broadband."
  • Take steps to bridge the digital divide and close the educational inequity gap.
Reversing the rise of COVID 19, following the CDC scientific and medical guidelines and not censoring them, giving schools and child care centers the monies and tools they need to open up safely and let local leaders decide if it is agreeable to reopen community schools.

Why did not the Trump Administration think of that?

Because they are too busy presiding over a Trump Fascist Zone America that is:
  • Peddling fringe and dangerous unscientific fecal matter where COVID 19 will go away on its own.
  • Sending unidentified paramilitary forces into Portland to create havoc without the invite of local authorities.
  • Dividing the country along racial lines and stoking culture wars by glorifying Confederate traitors.
  • Censoring their own scientific experts from reporting needed medical facts to the communities that rely on that information or blocking vital testimony.
  • Imprisoning people because they want to write a book (Michael Cohen) while granting clemency to others who will lie for Donald Trump (Roger Stones.)
  • Presiding over an indirect ultraright COVID 19 Final Solution on racial minorities (including Native Americans) and the poor.
Hopefully, Congress when they get back into session, will finally pass the fourth Coronavirus stimulus measure that provides needed funding (like what the Biden team is proposing) to the schools and child care facilities.

Hopefully, all Governors like Arizona's Mr. Ducey will truly be guided by science and public health and delay the in-person opening of schools until they can safely do so.

The nation's children and teachers (as well as the poor and nonwhite demographic groups) can no longer afford to live in Donald Trump's vision for America.

Joe Biden's world view gives them hope, opportunity, and a longer life expectancy.

Remember Election Day is 108 days away.

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