Monday, July 13, 2020

This is not a trick question; Who do you trust more: Trump or Fauci

I was just watching Deadline White House a few minutes ago on MSNBC when Nicole Wallace equated Donald Trump with the Chinese Communist leadership that censored the scientists in Wuhan when the Coronavirus erupted there from telling the truth about the spread and danger of the pandemic.

She is right.

The 2016 Popular Vote Loser, in an attempt to salvage his political career and fool his Fox Island-Trump Zone base, has done everything he can to discredit the expert scientific advice from the specialists in his own government.

This started when he went against his own CDC reopening guidelines the day after they were released when he tweeted "Liberate Michigan, Liberate Minnesota,  Liberate Virginia."

It has continued for the next three months in his blaming the surge in COVID 19 cases on the increase in testing.

It intensified in the last week with Mr. Trump criticizing the CDC guidelines for reopening schools and sanctioning White House operatives and surrogates spreading disinformation on the leading scientist on the Coronavirus Task Office, Dr. Anthony Fauci.

What is Fauci's sin in the eyes of the Trump Administration?

He is telling the truth about the science of the Pandemic and urging caution and prudence before reopening the country again.

Trump and his cult followers moving to smear the leading authority on infectious diseases in the country is astonishing considering how wrong the Stable Genius has been on reopening the country.

Look at what is happening in Arizona, Florida, and Texas when the Governors on those states (Ducey, DeSantis, and Abbot) bowed to pressure from this Administration and its rabid science-denying base. Those states have been among the national leaders in new Coronavirus cases for the last several weeks and rising fatalities. 

Nineteen states reported report new seven day averages in new cases.

The Biden team quickly denounced Trump's treatment of Fauci, issuing a statement that read:

"The president's disgusting attempt to pass the buck by blaming the top infectious disease expert in the country -- whose advice he repeatedly ignored and Joe Biden consistently implored him to take -- is yet another horrible and revealing failure of leadership as the tragic death toll continues to needlessly grow. Over 135,000 Americans have lost their lives and tens of millions have lost their jobs because Donald Trump spent the last six months disastrously mismanaging the worst public health crisis in a century, the whole time failing to heed the warnings and guidance of medical experts -- particularly Dr. Fauci. Infections in the United States have skyrocketed, surpassing every other country in the world by far, specifically because of Trump's refusal to listen to science."

Even Mick Mulvaney, Mr. Trump's former Acting Chief of Staff, has chastised the Administration's lack of effort in stemming the COVID 19 tied, writing an op-ed for CNBC calling for more stimulus to combat the Pandemic after experiencing first hand the hiccups with testing when one of his children had to wait a week for testing results and another one did not qualify to be assessed for the virus.

The former Chief of Staff and renowned Prince of Austerity wrote:

"I know it isn’t popular to talk about in some Republican circles, but we still have a testing problem in this country. My son was tested recently; we had to wait 5 to 7 days for results. My daughter wanted to get tested before visiting her grandparents but was told she didn’t qualify. That is simply inexcusable at this point in the pandemic."

"We could also direct more money for research. Or more temporary hospital beds or therapeutics. If we are going to borrow hundreds of billions of dollars, let’s do it to treat the cause of our economic illness, not just the symptoms."

In the end, it comes to this, do you believe the leading expert on infectious diseases in the country who has continually advised caution against premature reopenings or Individual One who just crossed the 20,000 telling lies threshold whose efforts to censor the scientific truth from the American Public has led to a surge in COVID 19.

This should not be a trick question.

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