Tuesday, July 21, 2020

If it is "Going to Get Worse Before it Gets Better," Schools should not be forced to Provide In Person Instruction

Donald Trump gave a once in a half-year performance.

Every so often he sticks to the script provided and reads from it and actually comes off looking Presidential even when he is lying and giving misleading statistics on mortality rates, what Obama left him in ventilator supplies, and how great the country is doing to combat the Coronavirus.

While the tone in today's press briefing probably will not last and despite the multitude of lies today, Mr. Trump, in his first Coronavirus update since he stopped them after suggesting bleach would be a good disinfectant for COVID 19, actually made two helpful statements.

First, he stressed it was important to wear masks and social distance.

The second was the acknowledgment that the pandemic will get worse before it gets better.

These two pronouncements will hopefully convince his science-denying reactionary base in Trump Zone and Fox Island that wearing masks and social distancing is not a threat to their personal freedom and they will start to take proper virus prevention steps.

At the very least, it gives Republican officeholders (like Ducey in Arizona) across the country (who were probably soiling themselves before the press briefing at what disaster might happen) the cover they need (if they want) to adopt more stringent pandemic emergency measures to contain COVID 19 in their states.

it should also put to rest for the foreseeable future (until October) the desire for Trump and his fringe allies to have in-person instruction resume at public schools.

If, as Mr. Trump himself said, the Coronavirus is going to get worse before it gets better, there is no rationale to send children and their educators to a potential local pandemic hotspot (their school building.)

In-Person instruction should be delayed until at least October in Arizona and the rest of the country.
In the interim, students and educators can conduct classes via digital means.

School districts and local, state, and federal governments should use this time to work together to ensure that all school buildings are properly renovated to allow for the safe return of students and educators. Personnel should also be retained to conduct testing and other healthcare activities when in-person instruction resumes.

No expense is too much to ensure the safety of children or the people entrusted with their educational experience.

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