Tuesday, July 14, 2020

Check out the latest ads from The Lincoln Project, Unite the Country, Priorities USA, and Meidas Touch

Six new digital ads were released over the last several hours.

The first one, from the Lincoln Project called "Walk of Courage" shows a young African American man, holding a "My Life Matters" sign while walking past some armed fringe white reactionaries. The video then contrasts that with Republican Senators avoiding questions after Donald Trump and Bill Barr cleared off peaceful protestors with tear gas so the 2016 Popular Vote Loser can have a photo-op with an upside-down Bible.

The second ad, from Unite the Country, called "This is America," shows a video of racial unrest and division while asking the question "Is this the America we want to be?"

The ad then shifts to Joe Biden with him saying:

"Do we want to be the America we know we can be? The America we know in our hearts we should be...The country is crying for leadership that can unite us. Leadership that brings us together."

The narrator concludes the video by asking the viewer:

"Which America will you choose?"

The next ad, the first of three, from Priorities USA called "Caballero" has both an English and Spanish version.

In it, the narrator tells the viewer that the country needs a "Caballero" (Gentleman) and leader in the White House like Joe Biden, not a Caudillo (dictator) like Donald Trump.

The second Priorities USA ad called "We the People" chastises Donald Trump for dangerously putting Trump first and not the American People. The video then goes on to say that Biden would put people first and (in the Nominee's words)  "battle for the soul of the United States of America."

The last Priorities USA ad titled "Cases" recounts all Mr. Trump's false pronouncements about the course of the Coronavirus while COVID 19 cases surge well above most nations from July 5 to July 11, 2020, with the United States having over 404,000 new infections reported while the second-highest country in the graph, France, had just under 3900.

The last one, from Meidas Touch is probably the funniest one of the six as it takes Donald Trump Jr's words and accurately applies them to his father (his words and acts) and their family.

Like the narrator in the Unite the Country ad said:

"Which America will you choose?"

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