Friday, July 17, 2020

Please check out the latest Digital Ads from the Lincoln Project, American Bridge, and the Biden Campaign

It is Friday and the Lincoln Project, American Bridge Project, and Biden campaign have released three new compelling ads to start the weekend with.

The first one from the Lincoln Project called "New" rightly depicts Ivanka Trump as the out of touch Marie Antionette of this Administration, telling people to try something new if they are out of work (because of the pandemic) and potentially facing starvation and/or eviction.

The ad concludes with the narrator saying:

"Ivanka is right about one thing. This November, we will find something new, and it won't be her Daddy."

The second ad, from the American Bridge Project, targets the political supporters of Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, providing audio clips of them praising him before their state became the epicenter of the Coronavirus because of his failed leadership.

The goal of the video is to show Floridians who not to vote for on November 3, 2020.

The third, and perhaps most moving of the three ads, is from the Biden campaign.

It features three Pennsylvania small business owners who are asked to watch one of Mr. Trump's economic roundtables and react to what he said during it.

Reactions among the three showed a President who had no sense of reality, was a bigot, and could not relate to the struggles they are facing during COVID 19.

One of the business people, a book store owner started to break down and cry because she could not receive funds from the Payroll Protection Program.

Another business owner asked, "how much more do we have to endure because of the way we handle it to start you know out of the starting gate."

How much, indeed?

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